keeferrourke / la-capitaine-icon-theme

La Capitaine is an icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments. The set of icons takes inspiration from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.
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[Icon request] LinuxMint specific apps, CinnamonSettings, /opt/ icons #93

Open RaitaroH opened 7 years ago

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

Me again. Here is the stuff:

I looked in the configure script and I noticed there is no cinnamon desktop icon there. Would be nice to add that. Cinnamon now has a logo for itself. I took this from the cinnamon spices website:

In cinnamon-settings: cs-applets.svg cs-desklets.svg are the same cs-login.svg cs-startup-programs.svg are the same cs-general.svg cs-tiling.svg cs-windows.svg are the same

Here are the linux mint specific icons that are missing: screenshot from 2017-01-29 18 10 28

Name=Backup Tool
Name=Domain Blocker
Name=Driver Manager
Name=Login Window
Exec=gksu /usr/sbin/mdmsetup
Name=New Login
Name=Software Manager
Exec=gksu mintinstall
Name=Software Sources
Name=Update Manager
Name=Upload Manager

Talking about the Update Manager. There is also this icon: screenshot from 2017-01-29 18 18 45 I have no idea what that is or where is it though.

Now some apps that have their icons in opt. Is not your fault, but just wanted to tell you that there are apps that keep their icons in some annoying places. I personally just copy-pasted the icons in the right places. I don't think you can do anything about this though, unless in your configure script you add the functionality to copy-paste the icons in /opt/ which will require sudo. I have installed teamviewer and sublime from debs downloaded from their websites and not from the repos. This might be the reason why the icons are like this.

You have the icon, I know.

Name=TeamViewer 11

Here are the files after I copy-pasted your icon: (the back one is the orignal) /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/desktop > ls > teamviewerback.png teamviewer.png teamviewer-teamviewer11.desktop

Also sublime text has it's icons in here /opt/sublime_text/Icon. This is a pain because in my xfce-panel-window-list it uses these icons instead. See: sublime I use the xfce4-panel as dock. Maybe I confused you because of the cinnamon settings above.

Name=Sublime Text
Exec=/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text %F

Here are the folders after I copy-pasted my stuff:

/opt/sublime_text/Icon > ls -R >
sublime-textback.png  sublime-text.png

sublime-textback.png  sublime-text.png

sublime-textback.png  sublime-text.png

sublime-textback.png  sublime-text.png

sublime-textback.png  sublime-text.png

I also forgot to mention but audacious may have some issues as well. It's icons are in /usr/share/pixmaps/

To clarify something: if by editing the .desktop in .local/applications either manually or with a GUI doesn't cut it then use this script. (In my case the xfce window list doesn't show the right icons, but the menu does) Here is how to fix the teamviewer,sublime and audacious with a simple script:

#Rename originals
sudo mv /opt/sublime_text/Icon/16x16/sublime-text.png /opt/sublime_text/Icon/16x16/sublime-text-back.png
sudo mv /opt/sublime_text/Icon/32x32/sublime-text.png /opt/sublime_text/Icon/32x32/sublime-text-back.png
sudo mv /opt/sublime_text/Icon/48x48/sublime-text.png /opt/sublime_text/Icon/48x48/sublime-text-back.png
sudo mv /opt/sublime_text/Icon/128x128/sublime-text.png /opt/sublime_text/Icon/128x128/sublime-text-back.png
sudo mv /opt/sublime_text/Icon/256x256/sublime-text.png /opt/sublime_text/Icon/256x256/sublime-text-back.png

#Copy the new one. I can change it later if I want to so that's why I copy it and create links. I also want a backup for it in this folder just in case
sudo cp ~/.icons/la-capitaine/apps/scalable/sublime.svg /opt/sublime_text/Icon/

#Create links
sudo ln -fs /opt/sublime_text/Icon/sublime.svg /opt/sublime_text/Icon/16x16/sublime-text.png
sudo ln -fs /opt/sublime_text/Icon/sublime.svg /opt/sublime_text/Icon/32x32/sublime-text.png
sudo ln -fs /opt/sublime_text/Icon/sublime.svg /opt/sublime_text/Icon/48x48/sublime-text.png
sudo ln -fs /opt/sublime_text/Icon/sublime.svg /opt/sublime_text/Icon/128x128/sublime-text.png
sudo ln -fs /opt/sublime_text/Icon/sublime.svg  /opt/sublime_text/Icon/256x256/sublime-text.png

#Teamviewer. This will only have an effect on the menu icon and NOT on the icon that appears in the xfce window list sadly. Ah, well I don't use teamviewer that much anyway so it doesn't bother me.
sudo mv /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer.png /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer-back.png 
sudo cp ~/.icons/la-capitaine/apps/scalable/remote-desktop.svg /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/desktop/teamviewer.png

sudo mv /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-16.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-16-back.xpm
sudo mv /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-32.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-32-back.xpm
sudo cp ~/.icons//la-capitaine/apps/scalable/audacious.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/
ln -fs /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-16.svg
ln -fs /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-32.svg
ln -fs /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-16.xpm
ln -fs /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/audacious-32.xpm

I guess this is pretty much it.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

Hey there,

I've updated the formatting of your comment to be more readable.

Regarding the cinnamon specific desktop icons, I'll add that to my to-do list. With respect to the update manager, I have no way of finding out what that icon is either — you could try browsing the source the code for the updater app to find the name of the icon, but I have absolutely no time to do this. I also don't think the icon looks bad, and it could probably stay the way it is.

Now some apps that have their icons in opt. Is not your fault, but just wanted to tell you that there are apps that keep their icons in some annoying places. I personally just copy-pasted the icons in the right places. I don't think you can do anything about this though, unless in your configure script you add the functionality to copy-paste the icons in /opt/ which will require sudo

Unfortunately I won't be making any modifications to La Capitaine to compensate for this. It's up to package maintainers to make sure the desktop files point to the right directories, or up to the user to modify the desktop files accordingly. I disagree completely with copying around icons with root access — if you want to change the icons that these apps use, you should be modifying the *.desktop files located in either $HOME/.local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications. The best I can do is provide files with the right names and hope that packagers put their icons in the right places and don't hardcore icon paths in their desktop files.

I would recommend that you use the binaries provided by your distro's package manager, and not installers downloaded from webpages on the internet.

Regarding Sublime, there are few icons that are named accordingly to support different versions of Sublime. Namely:

Regarding Teamviewer, that icons is located here

Modify Teamviewer and Sublime's *.desktop files to point to the correct icon paths if you want them themed.

Summary To-do:

What I cannot do:

For the above listed applications, you should make a bug report to Linux Mint upstream to ask them to make their icons theme-able.

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

I really like developers that answer to users fast. I am the same. I am aware about the .local and I do use it for custom stuff of my own (there is also cinnamon-menu-editor that does that with a gui if I don't feel like editing files). The problem in my case is with in compatibility of the apps with the xfce4-panel (which I shouldn't be using should I? :P ) so it has nothing to do with your icons. I just pointed that out in case it may be useful to you or anyone else (if I had the problem maybe other people would). I did fixed it for myself as you can see in that script. I am the kind of guy who likes changing stuff around so I do find myself solving weird issues like this one. Also I know about the sublime icon you provide. It is very nice. I used it for my script above (cp ~/.icons/la-capitaine/apps/scalable/sublime.svg). It is the icon I set for my own sublime.

It isn't a problem if you can't change some icons. You are theming over not making from scratch. I know this very well considering how annoying it is to css around other people code.

Really thank you for these icons though. I tried all icons I could and the only ones I like are Breeze and yours (I never used mac, funny hah?). I even stay on LM17.3 (thus needing more up to date software) because breeze needs some tweaking on LM18. Yours don't so I would consider upgrading soon. Once you incorporate the dark variant this will become in my opinion the best icon set for gtk I have seen. (it works on kde so even better :1st_place_medal: )

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

@RaitaroH Ah, I understand now.

Really thank you for these icons though. I tried all icons I could and the only ones I like are Breeze and yours (I never used mac, funny hah?). I even stay on LM17.3 (thus needing more up to date software) because breeze needs some tweaking on LM18. Yours don't so I would consider upgrading soon. Once you incorporate the dark variant this will become in my opinion the best icon set for gtk I have seen. (it works on kde so even better :1st_place_medal: )

Thank you for the kind feedback! La Capitaine isn't anywhere near complete yet, but I'm working on it :smile: The goal is to properly support every distribution possible eventually — even though that is a slow burn.

And regarding the dark theme, I'm working on completing the dark theme from issue #4 right now :wink: Just doing a lot of careful checking of icons and cleaning up some directories before I implement it.