keel-hq / keel

Kubernetes Operator to automate Helm, DaemonSet, StatefulSet & Deployment updates
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Keel on deployment with 2 containers - expects pullsecret for public registry #673

Open tnein opened 2 years ago

tnein commented 2 years ago

We are using Keel with Kubernetes provider and trying to update a Deployment with 2 containers in it.

One container, with an image in our private gitlab registry, is updated fine with the following dockerconfig:

  "auths": {
    "": {
      "auth": "gitlab+deploy-token-XXX:PASSWORD"

The other container, with a public dockerhub image, cannot find a suitable pullsecret to pull from the public registry.

time="2022-05-26T21:07:35Z" level=warning msg="secrets.defaultGetter: registry not found among secrets" image=".../nginx:alpine" secret_ref=first-container-private-registry-pullsecret
msg="secrets.defaultGetter.lookupSecrets: secret found but couldn't detect authentication for the desired registry" provider=kubernetes secrets="[first-container-private-registry-pullsecret]"

How can we stop Keel from using a pullsecret for the public registry?

tnein commented 1 year ago


ntman4real commented 1 year ago

can you reopen this or share how to resolve?

tnein commented 1 year ago

Not resolved yet. More interest.