keeleinstituut / tv-tolkevarav

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Institutions Price Rate Percentages improvement #503

Open plakitkelly opened 11 months ago

plakitkelly commented 11 months ago

@MariusJulius What exactly the "Tühista" button in "Tehnilised sätted" view should do? Currently it clears all fields and user cannot edit any field anymore nor click on "Kinnita muudatused". 2 possible options:

  1. If it should cancel editing - then this button should be disabled until user edits any field. After clicking the tühista button, the fields should be as they were before the editing
  2. If it should clear all fields - then it should enter the value "0" into all fields (value must be between 0 and 100, not empty) and the user should be able to click on "Kinnita muudatused"

(3.) or anything else ? Upd: I think 1st should be correct, because it is also in kasutajate haldus ->user detail view.

Currently the user can click on tühista button that clears all fields.

plakitkelly commented 9 months ago

Both fixed - OK