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Logic change for filters dropdown with checkboxes (FE) #587

Open MariusJulius opened 9 months ago

MariusJulius commented 9 months ago

Logic changes for filters with checkboxes.

Problem: If you select the label filter, the "tühista" (cancel) button in list view of vendors it removes all check marks. But when selecting a label for a vendor in the detailed view, the window is visually exactly the same - labels, ticks, cancel and save buttons. There, the cancel button cancels the selections made before pressing the Salvesta (Save) button. At first glance, I thought it would remove all the ticks, as it does in the filters window.

And in addition to that, if you press cancel in the filters window, the window closes. then you have to open the filter window again and press save for the filtering to take place. So I suggest that pressing this button should work immediately, instead of having to open it again


KaarelKa commented 9 months ago

Maybe some comment from @martinepai here as well. From my perspective the functionality of a "Tühista" (Cancel) button will be more useful than "Tühjenda" (Clear), assuming we will only have 1 of those 2 buttons.

Otherwise the only way to cancel would be to click outside of the dropdown, but I have a feeling that users might accidentally click "Tühjenda", when they misclick something, which might undo a lot of the filters they applied during previous uses.

Ideally I would have both of those, cancel inside the dropdown and clear next to the input/tags, but if we only have to pick one, then I would go with cancel + the positioning and design of the button already hints that it is rather a "cancel" button, not a "clear all" button

martinepai commented 9 months ago

@KaarelKa @MariusJulius I would go with Cancel so maybe let's just change the wording from "Tühista" to "Sulge" because currently these Tühjenda and Tühista are too similar and confusing.

MariusJulius commented 9 months ago

Let's added the same solution for list view as in detail view for unified solution for now.

plakitkelly commented 8 months ago

According to martine's comment, the buttons have been changed. - Ok