keeleinstituut / tv-tolkevarav

Tõlkevärav (Translation Hub)
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Errors in order creation/edit view - this page is not found #695

Open plakitkelly opened 6 months ago

plakitkelly commented 6 months ago

In create order and edit view


plakitkelly commented 6 months ago

In Teostajate andmebaas - Vendor detail view - Lisa keelesuund Language dropdown menu - Enter previously mentioned symbol

image Marked with yellow is entered symbol

plakitkelly commented 6 months ago

In sub-order view Delete Tähtaeg in general tab and task tab - page not found

In aruande eksport view Delete dates from date fields - page not hound

In Tõlkemälud - Lisa tõlkemälu enter symbol into lähtekeel/sihtkeel search field - page not found

In Koondhinnakiri view - Oskus filter Enter symbol - Page not found

Tellimused view - Tellimuse sildid filter Enter symbol - page not found

Teostajate andmebaas - Roll filter Enter symbol - page not found

Tõlkemälud - Sildid filter Enter symbol - page not found

MariusJulius commented 6 months ago

@KaarelKa not sure if all those are FE issues.

KaarelKa commented 6 months ago

Should be FE yeah

plakitkelly commented 6 months ago

Tested in 08.01 - All fixed, Ok