Vendor1 accepts task (project status is teostamisel), other vendor/s can't do this task anymore
Vendor1 uploads ready file but doesn't click on "Märgi lõpetatuks"
PM changes deadline (in general or task tab, not in project details)
Vendor1 doesn't see the task in "Minu ülesanded" table, it's again in "Ootel ülesanded" table (with status teostamisel). Client still can see vendor1 name.
Now the task can be accepted by another vendor
Vendor2 accepts task. Client can see now vendor2 name.
Vendor2 can see ready file by vendor1
Actual result:
Problem is in step 6-7. Task should be in vendor1 "Minu ülesanded" table and other vendors should not be able to accept this task. It allows another vendor to submit the work "under his own name". And in other case, this bug gives the PM an opportunity to exploit the bug to "remove accepted vendor from task".
Expected result:
If PM changes deadline, it shouldn't affect the status of the task (although the status still remained in Teostamisel).
Actual result: Problem is in step 6-7. Task should be in vendor1 "Minu ülesanded" table and other vendors should not be able to accept this task. It allows another vendor to submit the work "under his own name". And in other case, this bug gives the PM an opportunity to exploit the bug to "remove accepted vendor from task".
Expected result: If PM changes deadline, it shouldn't affect the status of the task (although the status still remained in Teostamisel).