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Authorization front #30

Open maryna-yanul opened 5 years ago

OksentukVlad commented 5 years ago

Here we have a bunch of problems to think of. Some of them:

  1. JWT or not JWT? (We can at least consider:
  2. What about server? (Way of storing data. Should we use passportjs. Length of session. Etc...)
  3. What about client?
  4. Providers (email/pass, name/pass, email only, google, fb, etc...)
  5. Additional functions: reset password, email confirmation, ...
epaminond commented 5 years ago

We may find Еще раз о passport.js article helpful. )

OksentukVlad commented 5 years ago

Server auth draft:

usernamus commented 5 years ago

@demogoran, new-client branch