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NetStandard code coverage #111

Closed masojus closed 6 years ago

masojus commented 7 years ago

Code coverage for netstandard projects still seems to be in flux and I wonder if OpenCover is capable of producing coverage...but I sort of doubt it for the moment since I've read that in general coverage wasn't working as of Spring this year. But there does seem to be a Microsoft.CodeCoverage NuGet package: will/does OpenCover or something similar implement a collector that works with these tools? And can that collector generate the report output format needed in order to parse/upload to

masojus commented 7 years ago

This seems to indicate that OpenCover works with .NET Standard test projects to some extent. The examples are all using xUnit:

masojus commented 7 years ago

This article also describes reporting Code Coverage using OpenCover on a .NET Core test project:

We'd have to do this once we move away from the .NET Framework projects completely, as I'm not sure how we'd report separately for the .NET Framework and .NET Standard test runs and get Coveralls to either merge those results or understand that there are two different coverage runs per commit.

baumatron commented 7 years ago

The netstandard_coverage branch has what appears to be working code coverage now for the netstandard project.

baumatron commented 6 years ago

This is working now and being reported by the AppVeyor build.