keenon / AddBiomechanics

A tool to automatically process and share biomechanics data
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Cannot run scaling with custom model using motion capture data from OpenCap #201

Open tniveej opened 10 months ago

tniveej commented 10 months ago

Link to forum post that highlights the problem

I tried using the motion capture data from OpenCap to scale a custom (markers modified to match OpenCap markers) model based on the thoraculumbar spine and ribcage full body model . When I input the trc file obtained from OpenCap and my custom model osim file (foot body names are calcn_l and calcn_r), I get the following error: ['/app/../engine/', '/tmp/tmppqpfsadm/', 'subject08', '<private_file>'] exit: -11

I have linked the exact files used in this folder. The error was last replicated on 18/10/2023 when I tried to reprocess it. The height, weight and sex of the subject are 1.704m, 78.4kg and male respectively.