keep-starknet-strange / art-peace

Competitive art canvas on Starknet
MIT License
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[feat] Quest: Username quest #130

Closed b-j-roberts closed 2 weeks ago

b-j-roberts commented 1 month ago

Create a quest that is claimable if the user has claimed a username.

Create corresponding tests.


Calebux commented 1 month ago

Hi @b-j-roberts i'll like to work on this

Ayoazeez26 commented 1 month ago

Can I work on this?

b-j-roberts commented 1 month ago

Definitely @Calebux , let me know if you have any questions.

b-j-roberts commented 1 month ago

For this issue, you can use this new field to check if a user has a username :

by calling this function : and checking if it is 0 or not

b-j-roberts commented 4 weeks ago

@Calebux Have you started working on this? If so, could you create a draft PR of your work so far? Otherwise, I'd like to assign this to someone available to work on it.

Calebux commented 4 weeks ago

@b-j-roberts i have, i'd be sending a draft PR Tomorrow