keep-starknet-strange / backlog

Keep Starknet Strange projects backlog and ideas
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ZKP2P for Starknet #12

Open AbdelStark opened 5 months ago

AbdelStark commented 5 months ago


Exploration Hypothesis

Blockchain suffers from a problem: the lack of data portability. Currently, the most popular solution is the use of Oracles, an expensive solution that's impossible to scale, particularly for personally identifiable information (PII).

Aware of this situation, many projects have explored alternative approaches, and with the advent of zk-Proofs, one stands out for its potential: leveraging TLSNotary.

The idea is simple in theory: use TLSNotary to generate a zk-SNARK attesting to the veracity of information sent securely via TLS (TLS being the S in HTTPS).

For example, asking a notary to generate a zk-SNARK attesting that sent me a web page containing my username in the header. Thus, I can prove to the blockchain that I indeed own this Instagram account. And thanks to the privacy offered by zk-SNARKs, the rest of the web page doesn't need to be revealed.

This technology opens the door to a sea of new possibilities, and the one we're going to explore with this project concerns onramp/offramp, as ZKP2P did on Base, by proving the existence of electronic receipts on-chain.


Hypothesis Testing

The project should be evaluated with potential users to compare the new onramp/offramp process against the existing ones, assessing whether they offer an improved experience.



Project Continuation


Gas fees during onramp/offramp

jommi9 commented 5 months ago

I made a dupe, feel free to delete sorry

jommi9 commented 5 months ago

needs a groth16 verifier on-chain

0xLucqs commented 1 month ago

Name proposition: PicSouk (it involves money => picsou and it's decentralised => souk)