keep-starknet-strange / snos

Rust Library for running the Starknet OS via the Cairo VM
MIT License
46 stars 21 forks source link

Track #2: Syscall Handler #30

Closed drspacemn closed 6 months ago

drspacemn commented 8 months ago

Implement the deprecated and stable syscall handler for SNOS. There are various places in which we need to be able to execute both deprecated and stable syscalls starting with block_context and the execution of the test transaction set. For syscall reference the cairo-lang pip package includes a json definition of both deprecated and new syscalls. To see:


Setup for testing:

drspacemn commented 8 months ago

It does not look like its going to be possible to use Blockifier's syscall handler as a drop in. Here are the OS syscall handler python references:

drspacemn commented 6 months ago

moving away from large tickets