keep-the-receipts / procurement-portal-backend

Backend for a portal for searching procurement records
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make all dataset upload errors visible to admins #45

Closed jbothma closed 3 years ago

jbothma commented 3 years ago

As a data admin, I would like to know whether uploads were successful so that I can tell whether it is complete or whether I need to change something and try again.

Options for satisfying that


Admin error feedback: tablib.exceptions.InvalidDimensions


django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: ['Missing field(s): buyer_name, supplier_name, order_amount_zar']
jbothma commented 3 years ago

django-import-export errors as well

Basically we have a model Dataset with a field current_version foreign key to DatasetVersion and DatasetVersion has a foreign key to Dataset and a file field.

The idea is that a dataset can have multiple versions - each file is associated with a DatasetVersion.

When a dataset is created, the admin should also upload a file as the initial DatasetVersion. This is currently done using an inline on the dataset admin, but there's also a datasetversion admin (which is less convenient because you have to select from a growing list of datasets with imprecise names, and it's a separate page from where the dataset is created so it's easy to forget)

Every time a new DatasetVersion is uploaded (e.g. to fix a mistake or improve the dataset somehow), the new file needs to be imported (we use django-import-export via its API rather than its admin integration). This is currently done using a signal, which is not ideal because it doesn't have access to the request to provide error feedback. had to be reverted because it wasn't working from the dataset admin and was silently allowing dataset versions to be created despite importing failing.

Creating a new version should set it as the current version.

Editing a random version should not set it as the latest version, since you might simply be fixing metadata on an old version.

jbothma commented 3 years ago

jbothma commented 3 years ago

fixed by