keepassxreboot / keepassxc-browser

KeePassXC Browser Extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.78k stars 188 forks source link

Non-working sites (new) #2386

Open varjolintu opened 2 days ago

varjolintu commented 2 days ago

Please report any non-working sites to this thread instead of creating a new issue.

Provide the following info when making a report:

  1. Exact login URL and the URL of your entry or entries.
  2. Dump of console output from the page (Firefox: Tools -> Browser Tools -> Web Developer Tools / Chromium-based: Tools -> Developer -> Javascript Console). Do this only if there's KeePassXC-Browser related output.
  3. Have you tried Username-Only Detection, choosing Custom Fields etc.
  4. Are you using Autofill instead of the manual one.
  5. Does it affect the Username Icon, Autocomplete Menu, Popup Menu?
  6. Version 1.8.0 and later, enable Debug Logging from the settings and inspect the pages's JavaScript console. It should show all input fields detected.

Please note that sites that require credentials to be made are with lower priority.