keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Ability to add links to non-sensitive documents stored outside of KeePassXC #10068

Open benintech opened 11 months ago

benintech commented 11 months ago

I use a KeePassXC dedicated database to store some personal infos for me and my family, like scanned ID cards, passports, degrees, health documents, and so on.

Over the years the attachments have gotten quite big. I know that's not the main purpose of KeePassXC, however I do that for several years now, and it works rather well. Only issue is : opening or saving the database can take some time (up to a minute), given the number of attachments I have.

Now, a lot of attachments are non-sensitive, and could easily be stored outside KeePassXC. I keep storing them in KeePassXC for convenience reasons, because, while being non-sensitive, they are sometimes linked to sensitive data.

Is there a way to create, in KeePassXC, a link to a file stored (unencrypted) outside KeePassXC (for example, stored in the same folder as KeePassXC) ? An idea would be to have an attribute in the form of open:someFolder/myFile.pdf, which would open myFile.pdf stored in the someFolder subfolder of KeePassXC's database location.

droidmonkey commented 11 months ago

Unfortunately no, that isn't a feature. It also isn't one we would develop either. KeePass databases are highly mobile and meant to be self contained. What you could do, however, is create entries with a url like: file:///~/Documents/myfile.txt

Clicking on a url like that should open the file. Can you give it a try?

benintech commented 11 months ago

Thanks. It does the trick, more or less. It's far from being perfect, though (because there's only 1 URL field per entry, see below my ideas to go around that limitation)

The ideal solution IMO would be if an attribute containing file:///~/Documents/myfile.txt would be displayed as a link in the preview window.

Another idea (and question) : won't 2.8 solve that problem ? I read ( that notes should support Markdown then. Will it be possible to insert the file:/// links into a note, then ?

The solutions I tested, some working (more or less), others not at all

Pasting file:///~/Documents/myfile.txt in the URL fields works fine, unfortunately there's only 1 URL field (e.g., only 1 file) per entry. I see 2 ways to go around that limitation :

I tried 2 other solutions :