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KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Passkeys not working on certain sites #10374

Open t4moxjc7 opened 4 months ago

t4moxjc7 commented 4 months ago

Not working

Browser Passkey Action URL Website error KeepassXC error Notes Team response PR 2141 a80fe66 fixes issue v1.9.0.3 fixes this issue
Chromium Create InvalidArgumentException [none - prompt can be gone through successfully before website error] This may not be a KeepassXC bug, as it worked on another MediaWiki wiki. No No
Chromium Create A passkey couldn't be created for this device or you cancelled creating a passkey. No supported algorithms were provided No No
Chromium Use 404. [None] No
Edge Create Unspecified Error
Chromium Create We encountered an issue setting up your security key. [none - prompt can be gone through successfully before website error] Only security keys can be registered. No No
Brave, Chromium Create [blank error] [none - prompt can be gone through successfully before website error] No (on Chromium) No (on Chromium)
Firefox Use
Chrome Register "Passkey registration could not be verified. Please try again." [none - prompt can be gone through successfully before website error] in debug console there is "400 bad request" in final step.
Chrome Create "Use device instead of security key" None Will be fixed in the next version No No


Website Restricted to / explanation
Amazon With desktop only Chrome works
Kayak Only works with Chrome with newer operating systems
Nintendo Only works with Chrome
PayPal "Passkeys can only be created on devices for which you have set up a screen lock with Chrome (Android or Apple iOS devices) and Safari (Apple devices only) browsers". However, a security key can be registered instead.
directentis1 commented 2 months ago

It's strange but Bitwarden Addons/Extension stills can hook to save passkeys for I wonder how can they do that?

Only some sites it's doesn't work, might require security key (like for Amazon AWS, Paypal,...)


lichwala commented 2 months ago

In case of "Only security keys can be registered." - that is NOT correct. This site works fine with Enpass (software-based passkeys support) password manager. I've stored passkeys for both my accounts in Enpass and then used them successfully to login. I hope KeepassXC can make it too if properly implemented.

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

In case of "Only security keys can be registered." - that is NOT correct. This site works fine with Enpass (software-based passkeys support) password manager. I've stored passkeys for both my accounts in Enpass and then used them successfully to login. I hope KeepassXC can make it too if properly implemented.

I have managed to create a passkey using KeePassXC with Microsoft's site, and I use it all the time. Just haven't caught the reason why the creation fails 90% of the time.

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 months ago

Various people (including myself) have problems with eBay and passkey usage, region-independent as it seems. The following issues are in Bitwarden sites, but I have the exact same experience with KeePassXC 2.7.7 and extension (on Brave, Windows 11): and

There, I wrote about my experience in detail.

And so far, nobody seems to have a clue - or at least make it public - of what may be the reason, why the browser extensions don't intercept the passkey request in the log-in process. (to me it seems, the ebay site directly sends the request to the OS - and third-party password managers can't (or at least don't?) intercept the login-request)

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 months ago

And an info about Microsoft, what was also disussed here: On another forum, someone posted this:

There, the first point after the overview - "Changes to FIDO2 authentication methods and Windows Hello for Business") - states more or less (and if I understand correctly) that for corporate users, only a physical security key / device-bound passkey is possible. (and it seems, for private users there are also synced passkeys possible)

So in a way, both infos are true - and with Microsoft, one maybe has to distinguish between "business" and "private" user, regarding passkeys.

droidmonkey commented 2 months ago

Some sites are, we SUSPECT, doing browser finger printing and denying use of PassKeys based on that information. I believe this to be true for ebay, PayPal, and Microsoft at the least. Microsoft works sometimes which points to some heuristic BS in my opinion.

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 months ago

@droidmonkey Ah, thanks for the first clue! So you don't see how you could "catch" that passkey request / improve that, because ebay etc. "block" it from happening (so to speak)? - BTW: In that occasion, I first noticed that (in my case) Windows 11 doesn't offer to "put the request through/back" to e.g. KeePassXC... However, passkeys are still in it's infancy...

droidmonkey commented 2 months ago

Yes, if the browser doesn't call up the callback, we can not intercept it. For a good number of these sites, they only support passkeys on mobile devices and a select few desktop browsers / versions.

lichwala commented 2 months ago

Well, I've just tried (on Windows 11 and the latest Chrome) and again - passkey support works perfect in Enpass (software-based passkeys support) password manager. I've created an account on, properly stored passkey in Enpass on request and then successfully logged in with passkey from Enpass. That means (if I understand it correctly), unless Enpass is on some whitelist of software-based passkeys solutions, it should be also possible to make the same flow in KeePassXC if implemented correctly.

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

@lichwala I just created a passkey for my eBay account without any problems. Authentication works as expected.

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 months ago

@lichwala and @varjolintu Do the passkeys still work, when you close and open the browser or restart the PC?

Because, (only) the first login with passkey, directly after creation of the passkey, worked for me as well. But after browser closing or restart, eBay never again even offers me to use the passkey.

I just tested it again, though with Bitwarden, and two things happen for me:

  1. When I enter my email, eBay doesn't recognize, I have a passkey for it and I am request to normal login (entering password and 2FA)
  2. When I choose "use a passkey" (a small popup), then only Windows Hello opens, and not Bitwarden.

And this was the same experience for me, as I tried it with KeePassXC a few weeks ago.

So, again, the first login after creation was no problem at all. But after that, it never works again for me.

On what systems and browsers are you? Maybe this has an influence as well, if it works for you and not for me (and others)?

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

@pamperer562580892423 I can reproduce the same: eBay does not offer passkeys login if the browser is restarted. Maybe they are storing that info to a cookie or temporary localStorage during register?

I created my eBay passkey with the latest Firefox on macOS.

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 months ago

@varjolintu The thought of a cookie or something occurred to me as well.

And then, not a comprehensive test, but as of now it seems to be pretty much platform independent. (I am on Windows 11 Home with Brave)

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

It would be preferred that sites do not restrict passkeys use in any way. It just breaks 3rd party password managers. And the browsers will (should) return and error if there are compatibility issues anyways.

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 months ago

Yes, I agree.

But just a thought: Instead of waiting for a passkey request from the browser, would it be possible to initiate the passkey-login proactively (meaning, initiating the passkey login from KeePassXC or the browser extension, instead of initiating it on the website in the browser)?

PS: Of course it is not possible now - but could something like that be implemented? Not for eBay alone, but, as you wrote, to maybe "circumvent" third-party password manager restrictions in the future as well? (of course, this would only work, if at least passkey creation successes - like it does with eBay now...)

PPS: I mean, the domain is bound to the passkey. I don't know if a "passkey request" technically could be initiated from the browser/password manager to the WebAuthn API or whatever, at that to-the-passkey-bound-domain? But maybe this is not possible, and not in the WebAuthn specs / the process doesn't work that way around?

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

@pamperer562580892423 Triggering a request would mean submitting a login form anyway, because the first request always comes from the server side.

juvannx commented 2 months ago

With Microsoft I managed to create a Passkey and login normally.

@varjolintu I tested today on firefox and brave, I can't create a passkey. It seems the site only supports USB tokens.

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

With Microsoft I managed to create a Passkey and login normally.

@varjolintu I tested today on firefox and brave, I can't create a passkey. It seems the site only supports USB tokens.

Microsoft just announced that they will support passkeys with all consumer accounts, but it seems on desktop it's restricted to Windows. I'm not surprised if it still doesn't work correctly.

directentis1 commented 2 months ago

With Microsoft I managed to create a Passkey and login normally.

@varjolintu I tested today on firefox and brave, I can't create a passkey. It seems the site only supports USB tokens.

Microsoft just announced that they will support passkeys with all consumer accounts, but it seems on desktop it's restricted to Windows. I'm not surprised if it still doesn't work correctly.

I tested with Bitwarden (Firefox, Linux) and it always works regardless how many times I tried. I guess there's some kind of filter here.

varjolintu commented 2 months ago

With Microsoft I managed to create a Passkey and login normally.

@varjolintu I tested today on firefox and brave, I can't create a passkey. It seems the site only supports USB tokens.

Microsoft just announced that they will support passkeys with all consumer accounts, but it seems on desktop it's restricted to Windows. I'm not surprised if it still doesn't work correctly.

I tested with Bitwarden (Firefox, Linux) and it always works regardless how many times I tried. I guess there's some kind of filter here.

Good to know. I need to figure out why our extension does not receive the requests.

EDIT: Just retested this, and I could create a new passkey every time, plus signin also worked. Tested with Firefox (macOS). Extension version, which is not the latest. was just released but not yet updated to the stores.

droidmonkey commented 2 months ago

Microsoft often does slow rolling releases. Always good to give a solid week after an announcement from them.

Ollipop030 commented 2 months ago

Can´t create MS passkeys. It should be already rolled out here in germany, but the extension windows just doesn´t show up. I can only create passkeys for USB devices. Keepass 2.7.8., extension with brave browser.

dionorgua commented 2 months ago

I've just tried to use Passkeys instead of hardware Yubikey dongle. I was able to enroll KeepassXC as 'biometric' authenticator. But unfortunately keepassxc-browser prints "No logins found" error.

Could it be because I'm getting just 'rpId' property instead of 'rp' dict?

Object { challenge: "BDPZL-EDITED3", enterpriseAttestationPossible: false, extensions: undefined, rpId: "", timeout: 120000, userVerification: "required", allowCredentials: (1) […] }
allowCredentials: Array [ {…} ]
​  0: Object { id: "EDITED1-EDITED2", transports: (1) […], type: "public-key" }
​​​    id: "EDITED1-EDITED2"
​​​    transports: Array [ "internal" ]
​​​    type: "public-key"
  <prototype>: Object { shadowSelector: shadowSelector(value), shadowSelectorAll: shadowSelectorAll(value)
, … }
length: 1
<prototype>: Array []
challenge: "BDPZL-EDITED3"
enterpriseAttestationPossible: false
​extensions: undefined
​rpId: ""
​timeout: 120000
​userVerification: "required"
varjolintu commented 2 months ago

@dionorgua Does this happen on register or authentication phase?

dionorgua commented 2 months ago

@varjolintu sorry for being not clear. It's authentication phase. So I was able to 'enroll' passkey. PingId UI shows it as 'Biometric' authentication. Also I can confirm that I can register and authenticate at so most likely my setup is good.

EDIT: I've tested only a few sites and it works. Where it doesn't work is PingId authenticator

PS. it's KeepassXC 2.7.8 and KeepassXC-browser

lapo-luchini commented 2 months ago and works for me, with Firefox and KeePassXC 2.7.8.

directentis1 commented 1 month ago

Me too, with Paypal's passkeys.

Gusti-broesmeli commented 1 month ago

I may have found another website where creating a passkey using KeePassXC does not work. Website: Browser: Brave KeePassXC-Browser-Version: KeePassXC-Version: 2.7.8

Passkey Action: Create KeepassXC error: No logins found

Can anyone confirm or deny whether my assumption seems correct?

kevinlucasilva commented 1 month ago

Really, I didn't get to register the Microsoft's passkey with KeePassXC.

I'm using Librewolf and Ungoogled Chromium and tested in Chrome, and it didn't work, because ask me for a security key.

linuxtopia commented 1 month ago

For Bitwarden Vault;

Settings > Security > Two-step login > WebAuthn

option works with KeepassXC passkey. I can authenticate as 2FA option if this helps, the devs please check and compare with Login passkey issues.



bugshunter673 commented 1 month ago

Hello! Would it be possible to consider emulating a USB device? I believe this could resolve the Uncaught TypeError issue related to getPublicKeyAlgorithm and the AuthenticatorAttestationResponse interface and other errors. What are your thoughts on this approach?

const response = Object.create(AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.prototype);
// Uncaught TypeError: 'getPublicKeyAlgorithm' called on an object that does not implement interface AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.

Example of USB emulation:

Relevant code:

varjolintu commented 1 month ago

@bugshunter673 I already have the getPublicKeyAlgorithm() ready but getPublicKey() still needs a bit tuning. But at least I'm adding the first one to 1.9.1.

bugshunter673 commented 1 month ago

@varjolintu Apologies, I didn't notice your pull request ...

NoahDar commented 2 weeks ago

Seems no matter what I do can't get Microsoft Office 365 to trigger this. From what I understand Corporate users are forced to use real USB / NFC security keys. I will try creating a personal Microsoft account and see what happens.

Also for some stupid reason ebay under security settings on my account the passkey option is never listed. I even checked the two factor auth area. Nadda. Weird.

All other accounts it's working perfectly including Bank of America. I do have few USB hardware security keys including Yubico for testing at work but I prefer KeePassXC as the database is sync'd to my self hosted nextcloud server. Happy with this setup.

KeePassXC - 2.7.9 KeePassXC-Browser - Operating system: Linux x86_64 Browser: Chrome/Chromium

Fraetor commented 2 weeks ago

Pixiv ( is another site that does not work yet.

Firefox 127.0 (64-bit)
Fedora Linux 40 (x86_64)
Keepass 2.7.8

It reports "You cannot create a passkey on this device/browser." when you try to register, though this seems to be based on User Agent sniffing. When faking Chrome's user agent registration is allowed, but fails with the following error:

Error message in passkeys.js:79:28 ``` Uncaught (in promise) Error: Permission denied to access property "then" handler moz-extension://89d5f994-cc8a-47ee-a6d6-b044b4bcc9a4/content/passkeys.js:79 r postMessageToExtension moz-extension://89d5f994-cc8a-47ee-a6d6-b044b4bcc9a4/content/passkeys.js:88 postMessageToExtension moz-extension://89d5f994-cc8a-47ee-a6d6-b044b4bcc9a4/content/passkeys.js:72 create moz-extension://89d5f994-cc8a-47ee-a6d6-b044b4bcc9a4/content/passkeys.js:151 t l _invoke m r u i i Hb Vb t l _invoke m r u promise callback*r u promise callback*r u i i h Ve Qe Sr Sr Er Rr De Rr Rr en Zt unstable_runWithPriority Hi Me Jt r _wrapEventTarget oe _r Cr Tr Tr Zc _reactRootContainer ts render t l _invoke m r u promise callback*r u promise callback*r u i i dk 410 410 r c a passkeys.js:79:28 ```

The passkey was created in KeePassXC, but Pixiv fails on the registration ("An error occurred. Please reload the page and try again.").

wichtounet commented 1 week ago

Before, I was able to create and use a passkey on but it does not work anymore. I have upgraded Keepass and Google Chrome to the latest versions but it did not change anything.

The only thing I see is "no logins found" even though my passkey is present in the database and the URL appears to be correct.

Edit: It's even weirder because I have multiple Google accounts and another one works with the passkey, but not the first one :(

varjolintu commented 1 week ago

@wichtounet That sounds a bit weird. Do you have multiple passkeys defined under the problematic account? I think the creation should fail for every account if there's a systematic problem. You can enable debug logging from the browser and see if the public keys created have some differences. It could help narrow down the issue. (Do not paste them here without omitting important data)

wichtounet commented 1 week ago

@varjolintu I have two passkeys, each for a different email. I have looked into the debug messages. One thing I have noticed is that for the passkey that works, one of the challenges is matching KPEY_PASSKEY_CREDENTIAL_ID. For the passkey that does not work, nones of the challenges is matching this value. Should I regenerate the passkey that does not work?

varjolintu commented 1 week ago

@wichtounet That's worth trying.

wichtounet commented 1 week ago

@varjolintu Updating the passkey did the trick! I must have done something dumb to break it. Thanks!

1nj0k commented 3 days ago
Browser Passkey Action URL Website error KeepassXC error Notes
Firefox, Chromium Create