Open smehrens opened 7 months ago
2.7.7 introduced Bitwarden import from the GUI. We have not enabled it in the CLI tool. However, do not confuse an import with a sync. Importing is a one time action, it does not merge existing entries.
It's a way to "emulate" syncing bitwarden to a subgroub of a kdbx database.
so its a one-way sync or a scriptable import job........
To create a backup from bitwarden in keepassxc
(tools from bitwarden) bw login --apikey jkdhslkjdhsdjkhdskjhdfkjlhdjklshd bw export --output bw_export.json --format json (tool from keepassxc) keepassxc-cli -k password_file import_bw bw_export.json bw_backup.kdbx (then use keeshare to import to a subgroup of the main peepassxc file)
Several companies or organizations offers me a bitwarden account. I like to use keepassxc. With such export import i could use the shared passwords within my favorit password manager.
smile or add a gui tool to sync bitwarden to groups in keepassxc
Best regards