keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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TOTP Value wrong #10799

Closed xstable closed 3 months ago

xstable commented 3 months ago


I have authy 2fa and KeepassXC. For some accounts I have setup TOTP and it work in the past (means, TOTP was synchron)

But now I found, that KeepassXC shows the wrong TOTP digits, while authy still show the right ones. With KeepassXC TOTP I can not login into those accounts anymore, with TOTP of AUTHY it work (as it ever has in the past).


I double checked again the TOTP-Setup and the entered KEY are exactly the one I use in authy: (Following one is only an example, no real key, but the issue appears with the real keys!)

But the TOTP-Digits differ from each other:


KeePassXC - Version 2.7.7 Revision: 68e2dd8

Qt 5.15.13 Diagnosemodus ist deaktiviert.

Betriebssystem: Manjaro Linux CPU-Architektur: x86_64 Kernel: linux 6.6.30-2-MANJARO

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Operating System: Linux (Manjaro) Desktop Env: KDE Windowing System: X11

droidmonkey commented 3 months ago

Sync your computer time

xstable commented 3 months ago

@droidmonkey it's in sync, it's exactly in sync wtih:

droidmonkey commented 3 months ago

Then your secret value is wrong. However I guarantee it's your computer time.

xstable commented 3 months ago

Ok, it was apparently in sync, but seems not 100% in sync. Now I have activate "automated time adjustment" in KDE and it work again. Thanks.