keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Bitwarden interoperability - something on the lines of keeshare #11065

Open aduzsardi opened 1 month ago

aduzsardi commented 1 month ago

I'm just throwing this out there , not sure if it's even possible but it doesn't hurt asking. I'm a happy long time keepassxc user and now i need to share a bunch of passwords with some family members and they are not very technical persons. I was wondering if a feature like this would be possible , to be able to sync a specific keepassxc group to/from bitwarden vault because that's the most accesibile cloud hosted password manager for us afaik.

Note: most of them would use the password manager exclusively on mobile devices (android and apple)

Thank you!

droidmonkey commented 1 month ago

I suppose it is possible using the Vault Management API, but that's a lot of work.

aduzsardi commented 1 month ago

Thanks @droidmonkey , no worries ... maybe one day :) Or if enough people care about a functionality like this to sponsor it's development with some donations (including me) 😃