Closed patch-work closed 2 weeks ago
The following may be relevant.
KeepassXC's "Secret Service" says
"warning: Another secret service is running (PID: 3129, Executable: /usr/bin/kwalletd6). Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration."
The current source code of keepassxc uses kwalletd5, so this needs to be updated:
According to KDE's "system settings" the "automatic wallet selection" is set to kdewallet. In the same section, it is possible to disable "secret service":
The Secret Service interface lets applications store passwords and other confidential data. Disable this to allow third-party wallet services such as KeepassXC or GNOME Keyring to manage it instead.
The actual configuration uses gnome-keyring-daemon:
> cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.secrets.service
[D-BUS Service]
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets
It is a mess.
When keepassxc is installed, the installer ought to prompt for permission to take over and align the above settings.
I disabled "secret service" in KDE's "system settings", rebooted the system, and enabled KeepassXC's own secret service. The quick unlock feature still fails.
Linux quick unlock is not coming until version 2.8.0
See here for implementation:
The following may be relevant.
KeepassXC's "Secret Service" says
"warning: Another secret service is running (PID: 3129, Executable: /usr/bin/kwalletd6). Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration."
Secret Service is entirely unrelated to QuickUnlock. Just need to disable Secret Service in KWallet if you want to use KeePassXC as your Secret Service provider.
The current source code of keepassxc uses kwalletd5, so this needs to be updated:
AFAICT, utils/keepassxc-kdewallet
is an external utility, which is not part of the main app. It just reads the KeePassXC database password from KWallet (if stored there), in order to automatically unlock KeePassXC.
The actual configuration uses gnome-keyring-daemon:
> cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.secrets.service [D-BUS Service] Name=org.freedesktop.secrets Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets
This is forced by Gnome Keyring, if you have it installed. You will need to remove it if you want KeePassXC (and not Gnome Keyring) to auto-start when the Secret Service is called by a client app. See #6274. Or you can manually make sure that Gnome Keyring daemon is not running, launch KeePassXC, and leave it open for apps to access. (You can still lock the database, just leave the app running. You will be prompted to unlock when needed.)
The current source code of keepassxc uses kwalletd5, so this needs to be updated:
is an external utility, which is not part of the main app. It just reads the KeePassXC database password from KWallet (if stored there), in order to automatically unlock KeePassXC.
The code uses (expects) kwalletd5, which no loger exists. It needs to be updated to kwalletd6.
The actual configuration uses gnome-keyring-daemon:
> cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.secrets.service [D-BUS Service] Name=org.freedesktop.secrets Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets
This is forced by Gnome Keyring, if you have it installed. You will need to remove it if you want KeePassXC (and not Gnome Keyring) to auto-start when the Secret Service is called by a client app. See #6274. Or you can manually make sure that Gnome Keyring daemon is not running, launch KeePassXC, and leave it open for apps to access. (You can still lock the database, just leave the app running. You will be prompted to unlock when needed.)
I am using KDE, so this gnome subsystem is not expected to run. Again, the package manager ought to align these nested configurations, as users are not expected and generally ought not to change anything inside /usr. Different distributions, different packages, but the issue ought to be given to the package managers.
I did manage to run the Secret Service, but the link with the browser is still problematic. When you login, for some reason the browser is started automatically before the keypass. For the browser to see the keepass, you must shut down the browser, open and unlock keepass, then open the browser again. It you open the browser before the keepass, the link fails.
If the screen locks, when you log back in, you will find that the link is broken and connecting to the db from the browser fails. You then have to kill and restart the browser.
I have seen viruses harvesting passwords from browsers as well as through keyloggers, so keepassxc is a killer application to manage passwords as demanded by GDPR law. The quick unlock and the connection with the browser are the two UX KPIs that make or brake the adoption of keepassxc. If money is needed for a dedicated effort, the project may raise funds through donations, or apply for funds at one of the EU projects.
Although the feature "Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello)" is force enabled on Fedora Linux, the database must be unlocked by hand each time you log in.
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior
I expect the feature "Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello)" to work.
Actual Behavior
Keepassxc does not quick unlock.