keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Auto-type into KeePassXC Window is not possible on Linux #1374

Closed OlivierMary closed 4 years ago

OlivierMary commented 6 years ago


On Plasma / KDE in Autotype panel, in "Windows Title" I don't have the KeepassXC Title window

On Windows I can see it.

So on Windows I can AutoType Password to unlock a second Database, but not on Linux.

Expected Behavior

Autotype working on KeePassXC Window on Linux KDE/Plasma

Current Behavior

Actually Autotype not working on KeePassXC Window on Linux KDE/Plasma (maybe more Windows Manager)

Possible Solution

KeePassXC Windows Title not visible on suggestion of title in Autotype panel. Workaround: search entry needed, copy password, change tab, past password...

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. On Linux KDE/Plasma(Maybe Gnome can try it if needed) Load + Unlock your MAIN database.
  2. Open/create a OTHER database in another tab in keepassxc, don't unlock it.
  3. Make an entry in your MAIN database to open the database OTHER.
  4. Set Autotype for this entry with "*KeePass* or "*dbName*KeePass*" or something else which match actuel windows title when on tab of OTHER database.
  5. Save MAIN database.
  6. Go on OTHER database tab.
  7. Try AutoType Shortcut.
  8. Nothing Append.


Try to unlock another keepass database with autotype, that works on windows, but not on linux.

Debug Info

KeePassXC - Version 2.2.4 Révision : 4723f66

Bibliothèques :

Système d'exploitation : Arch Linux Architecture CPU : x86_64 Kernel : linux 4.14.13-1-ARCH

Extensions activées :

droidmonkey commented 6 years ago

Are you using Wayland? If so, this is the cause and we cannot fix it at this time.

OlivierMary commented 6 years ago

Using Xorg. I Try it on Gnome (Xorg) it's the same.

OlivierMary commented 6 years ago

It's just on KeePassXC Window, I can see/Autotype all others windows.

phoerious commented 6 years ago

Does Auto-Type work if you enter the window title manually? You can freely edit it and don't have to rely on what's provided in the dropdown. * as a wildcard character is also possible.

OlivierMary commented 6 years ago

Does not work with "" or "*KeePass*", I update my initial post itallic*...

OlivierMary commented 6 years ago

Updated step 4. without itallic :) forgot markdown

TheZ3ro commented 6 years ago

Seems that on Linux the original implementation explicitly blacklist KeePassXC from autotype

The implementation we wrote for other platforms don't respect this constrain.

The workflow is the following: 1, 2, 3

The window title returned by AutotypeXCB is empty so step 1 will return and not perform autotype

OlivierMary commented 6 years ago

Hi, Issues useless for me since : #1053. But functionality not same Linux <-> Windows, so close if you want :)