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KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Add direct menu option to setup bidirectional sync with another database #2937

Open akontsevich opened 5 years ago

akontsevich commented 5 years ago


Currently bidirectional sync does not work or not implemented. Seems current DB file merging syncs currently opened DB, but other DB file left untouched. This function does not work like original in KeePass which synchronizes both files. Please add the feature or fix it, still need to use KeePass for sync. Also why do You ask password for another DB file as it has the same pass by default. KeePass does not ask it.

Related to #90 and #637.

droidmonkey commented 5 years ago

Bidirectional sync is supported with KeeShare in 2.4.0. See #2109

akontsevich commented 5 years ago

@droidmonkey What is KeeShare, how to use it, see no synchronization there. Very inconvenient comparing to KeePass.

droidmonkey commented 5 years ago

We are almost done with our documentation.

akontsevich commented 5 years ago

@droidmonkey with KeePass I just go to menu, select file - and it is done. Why it can't be done same way in KeePassXC?

droidmonkey commented 5 years ago

We are not aiming to be EXACTLY like KeePass.

droidmonkey commented 5 years ago

I think your request is actually to make a direct menu action that sets up a synchronization with some other file. This can be achieved with KeeShare on the root group, but not from the file menu. If you edit the root group you can setup a sync with some other database file.

akontsevich commented 5 years ago

We are not aiming to be EXACTLY like KeePass.

@droidmonkey Why not to take best from it? I started to use KeePassXC because it worked more convenient than KeePass: Ctrl-C, tray icon, native KDE look and feel, Hi/Low/DPI, etc. Now with recent changes it is not - forced to get back to KeePass.

If you edit the root group you can setup a sync with some other database file.

Very complex and inconvenient, need to setup KeeShare first. Why not reopen this ticket and implement for many many users which want this simple feature?

akontsevich commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks!!! :)

janedough1331 commented 5 years ago

I second this. Very inconvenient. And i recall last time i tried using keepassXC i loved it, but this was really the nail in the coffin that made me go back to keepass2

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

Lol what? The nail in the coffin was a one time setup function that is fully accessible through the group edit??

Dannniello commented 4 years ago

Maybe I'm missing something, but KeeShare Synchronize it is much different option than Synchronize in KeePass.

KeeShare Type: Synchronize is for constant database sharing, i.e. every save will export data to file provided in path. If path is not available - save will generate error with information that export failed.

In my case I need manual "one time only" synchronize option - exactly the same like it is working in KeePass. Why? Because I use it to synchronize database between my laptop and desktop from time to time.

Workaround - use merge command two times:

keepassxc-cli merge -s /path/to/desktop/database.kdbx /path/to/laptop/database.kdbx
keepassxc-cli merge -s /path/to/laptop/database.kdbx /path/to/desktop/database.kdbx

It works, but it is not perfect - files after that will have different checksum... KeePass Synchronize is generating "perfectly" synchronized files (the same checksum).

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

KeeShare is an entirely different feature than synchronize the database itself.

dmrzzz commented 4 years ago

I feel much enlightened by @Dannniello's comment; I found this issue months ago while looking for a KeePassXC operation called "synchronize" (by analogy with KeePass), but never even noticed the "merge" operation until now.

I get the impression that what OP and several others really want here is not even KeeShare Synchronize at all, but rather a menu action that performs a very (conceptually) simple one-time two-way merge using the same master key.

I think part of the difficulty is that this area of KeePassXC feels a bit like hunting squirrels with tactical nuclear weapons (to borrow a favorite quote from a former teacher). The KeeShare feature and its documentation in are geared toward the complex use case of sharing a subset of your credentials with other people, which is pretty amazing, but not everybody needs that, and it's not at all obvious at first glance how to apply this to the much simpler use case of propagating changes between what we logically think of as two copies of the "same" database (no subsets, no other people, no different keys). Possible solution: a new quickstart section "Using Merge" which covers how to merge changes one-way from database A into database B (and what this means for item history), how to do a two-way merge that updates both A and B, and then how to automatically synchronize them.

akontsevich commented 4 years ago

hunting squirrels with tactical nuclear weapons

LOL @dmrzzz good point! Need to make soft for people needs I think. I think topic has 2 superfluous words: KeeShare is not the only way to implement the feature.

ocumo commented 4 years ago

Thanks @dmrzzz for putting the issue so clear. I share 100% of your points.

The fact is, as so many people trying to move to KeePassXC from KeePass2, I have the exact same need of a bidirectional sync with another database, a very common use case that has been so very well described by others: I just need to sync my database between my laptop and my desktop. I do this with seamlessly with KeePass2, as explained by others. I would like to use KeePassXC, though, but without this being possible except in a convoluted way, either by the "killing a fly with a cannon" or with an inconvenient and risky operation of merging and then copying the merged file over the other, that brings no advantages.

Now that I have finally convinced my wife to use a password manager, I won't even try to explain to her that to sync her laptop database with that in her desktop PC, she would have to start learning how to fiddle with bash commands or to learn a complicated concept of group sharing, which is not even remotely intuitively suggesting "synchronization", other than apparently it happen as some kind of secondary effect as long as one configures certain options in a special way (with no documentation available -at least it has taken me a lot of time of searching and reading to no avail).

After reading that this request has been moved from the v2.5.0 milestone, I truly hope that that doesn't mean the issue will be closed now?

Please dear devs, consider the use case of simple users that are not developers and that need a practical solution for the simple problem that all these people before me have explained so well. As soon as this feature is available, there will be many people that will start using this fantastic fork of KeePass/X/....

Thanks a lot anyway for a fantastic work so far!

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

@ocumo how are you syncing databases between your phone and computer? Are you using webDAV or some other similar technique? I simply use cloud file storage (One Drive, Google, Dropbox, etc) and that works 100% of the time. Our merge algorithm is very robust.

akontsevich commented 4 years ago

droidmonkey added this to the v2.6.0 milestone 3 minutes ago

Thanks a lot!!!

ocumo commented 4 years ago

@droidmonkey, I do not have a satisfactory solution yet for my phone, although I have been using keepass2Android, but I simply do the silly way: many times I just copy the kdbx file to the phone and though that's one-way only, I mostly have a "phone is read only" silly policy. Other times I have sync with the KeePass2 but that requires a bit of command line work, so it's faster (though dumber) the other way. But I should say that the phone is not a priority for me so far, as long as I find a consistent solution first for all PCs at home.

ocumo commented 4 years ago

By the way, thank you so much for the milestone!

phoerious commented 4 years ago

KeePass2Android can open directly from WebDAV, Dropbox, etc. Changes made to the database on the phone are immediately synced back to your cloud storage. Haven't had any issues with that.

srguglielmo commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to add my two cents. Up until a few weeks ago, I used KeePass 2 (the original project) across Windows, Mac (via mono), and Linux (via mono). All three on an almost daily basis. When MacOS removed support for 32-bit applications (required to run KeePass via mono) recently, I discovered KeePassXC. I love that it runs natively. However, switching to it not only broke my syncing workflow, but makes it very difficult to convince lesser-technical people (like my family and friends) to use.

For my syncing workflow, I have a separate kdbx file stored on each of my devices, plus one in a cloud storage account. The file in cloud storage is my "source of truth". My sync process is:

Sometimes, I make a change to Site A on my MacBook and a change on Site B from my Linux desktop. I want to keep both changes. I can't do that anymore without opening one file, running a merge, opening the other file, running another merge.

We are not aiming to be EXACTLY like KeePass.

I understand, but two-way sync simply makes sense here. It's not "trying to be like KeePass", it's just being user friendly. It isn't logical to default to one-way sync without a big red bold warning about potential data loss.

Thank you for re-opening and re-evaluating this request!

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

To be clear, macbook.kdbx == cloudStorage.kdbx? If so, why go through complications and just have one file? Whatever mainstream cloud storage solution you are using is bound to have version integrity.

You mention lesser technical users, but your sync setup is very complex (relatively speaking). Whereby if you just dropped your kdbx into iCloud or Dropbox you'd be 100% functional with KeePassXC.

What I am trying to say is that the process that people are using bi-directional merge/sync for is what is broken. In almost all cases that have been presented to us it is easily solved with a modern process.

dmrzzz commented 4 years ago

Whatever mainstream cloud storage solution you are using is bound to have version integrity.

I'm glad you personally trust your cloud storage provider to be 100% bug free and never choke on a corner case. I don't want to trust mine that much. I've detailed my concerns in but they are equally relevant to this discussion.

In any case, it seems clear that quite a few KeePassXC users would really like to have a simple two-way merge feature, because it would let us use the processes we prefer.

And AFAICT the hard work (the back-end code to perform history merges) is already there -- all that's missing is a single front-end operation which either

or perhaps

Is there some downside to providing such an operation in KeePassXC?

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

I'm for the front-end operation capability, but it's important to not narrow the perspective too much into it being the ONLY solution to a problem.

seafox commented 4 years ago

You mention lesser technical users, but your sync setup is very complex (relatively speaking). Whereby if you just dropped your kdbx into iCloud or Dropbox you'd be 100% functional with KeePassXC.

The use case you constantly suggesting has several drawbacks already mentioned elsewhere, just to reiterate:

  1. Requires relying on and installation of external 3-rd party (commercial, big company or custom installation) software that may not be desirable otherwise.
  2. Normal autosync feature of those 3-rd party software directory synchronizers has the potential for data loss as they obviously can't perform KP database merge operations. Doing extra (auto)backups is just complicating issues further, as growing complexity increase the chance of user/operator multiply files handling mistakes.
  3. Working offline means no sync, but ability to have flexible extra measures for security, when integrated with triggers/events/scripts on database opening/closing, allows much cleaner solutions without involving 3-rd party folders sync software. So it's just more appropriate for many folks screaming and begging around here!
  4. Also one particular feature that KeePass has is the ability to use internal database fields as the source for shared master database location and credentials makes "shared master - local copies" sync use case much more robust (just setup once and distribute) and secure (no need to leave plain open master share database location, last opened/synced files, etc. in KPXC config file)! [Note that all copies of such database sync solution are precisely identical on master and local clients, irrespectively of underlying OS.] So the question is whether KPXC dev team wants to provide some implementation making that possible in KPXC also? If they do, I'm afraid the simple menu option isn't enough to be automated even as KeePass does...

What I am trying to say is that the process that people are using bi-directional merge/sync for is what is broken. In almost all cases that have been presented to us it is easily solved with a modern process.

Wording modern process is a fancy way to push the certain use case over others, see above...

I'm for the front-end operation capability, ...

The counter-arguments were presented...

ocumo commented 4 years ago

Reading the well structured and reasoned post by @seafox, I think there's not much else that I could add, really. Thanks for that. I subscribe all of it.

Still, in my opinion, --and making an effort not to repeat @seafox comments--, the situation I see is very akin as many infamous cases whereby some argue that their "new" way is somewhat superior just because it's different/more innovative/impressive than the "other" way, which is somewhat "wrong".

Sounds like the never ending story of one side committed to more-or-less "introduce" some kind of new paradigm, and the other side not perceiving/buying the need for or advantage in questioning their way. Unfortunately, when that is the case, things not always turn for the best for any of the parties. This is especially the case where the two things, which are not mutually exclusive (no, they are not, far from it!), are being debated as if they were, either by one of the parties or both of them.

The world of technology -and software in particular- is full of infamous, ridiculous examples of huge mistakes that started with a "Everybody is doing it wrong. People have to change and do it my way" kind of genius inspiration. That's really very, very tricky in life.

What I am trying to say is that the process that people are using bi-directional merge/sync for is what is broken. In almost all cases that have been presented to us it is easily solved with a modern process.

"Modern process" is indeed an unfortunate and super-abused expression that is more common in other areas absolutely extraneous to Engineering, such as Politics or Marketing, where speech "flourishes and thrives" with that kind of stuff. Not so much here: I'm pretty sure none of us here are in those capacities, thankfully. That's a blessing, really, because those expressions are empty containers; things like: "good quality", or "everybody thinks", etc., we can move on and dismiss those as mistakes; they don't fit in.

I think it's reasonably obvious that there are a significant group of people, arguably at the very least developers in some form or shape, from various parts of the World, that randomly landed in this thread for the exact same reason, only one reason, same argumentation, same or incredibly similar way of resolving an important, common usability issue, ... what are the odds? Really. Think a little bit.

Look at my case. I learned about KeePassXC by total accident, just about 22 hours ago!. I was reading about the changelog of Firefox 70. My eyes catched something lateral about the new version of the Tails distribution moving to KeyPassXC because it's more/better maintained than their previous choice. "Huh?... another KeePass version?" "Wot, ..Better!?" "The Tor guys say so!?" "woah! I take it! Now! Here I go!!"

And here I am, with the exact same set of needs and opinions about this excellent program, as a big number of folks with so many different backgrounds, from who knows which different parts of the Planet. There must be something worth to consider about this instead of entering religious argumentation about who's more "modern" or "agile" or "cloudy" or whatever.

I call this one word: Opportunity.


dssouza-ti commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm just another one who would love to see this bidirectional sync option implemented and landed on this issue. Currently that's the only thing preventing me to move 100% from mono keepass2 to keepassxc.

@ocumo @seafox, that's extremely good argumentation, couldn't agree more.

By the way, I use Linux and tried keeshare, merge and sync with google drive and one drive, but none of them works the way bidirectional sync works in keepass2.

I have a team at work that uses the same database offline in their computers, and we sync with a online database that is in one of our servers. Every method cited above couldn't achieve perfectly what a simple click in the "synchronize" option can in keepass2. Each one had a different issue that caused some data loss or some inconvenience in our use case and I'll open issues reporting that later, but the main point is, It's great that we have several ways to sync our databases, yet a so simple option that can help so many people is lacking here and that makes a huge difference to a lot of use cases.

I just love KeePassXC and want so badly to move my entire team from keepass2 to it, but as long as we can't achieve the same sync without problems, we just can't move on.

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

@dssouza-ti please update to 2.5.0 if you haven't already. It adds support for detecting changes over network shares.

dssouza-ti commented 4 years ago

@droidmonkey I already updated. I was waiting for #3612 to be implemented to run some tests.

As I said, I found some inconveniences (maybe some bugs?) that I'll properly report in a separate issue so we can discuss it without adding unrelated comments to this thread.

By the way, as I also said before, I love KeePassXC, congratulations on the great work! I really am looking forward to the moment I can move my entire team to this software.

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

Agree thank you for reporting, would like to fix those for 2.5.1

dssouza-ti commented 4 years ago

@droidmonkey I just reported the issues I found in #3790 and #3791

roberestarkk commented 4 years ago

To add to seafox's fantastic response:

  1. Normal autosync feature of those 3-rd party software directory synchronizers has the potential for data loss as they obviously can't perform KP database merge operations. Doing extra (auto)backups is just complicating issues further, as growing complexity increase the chance of user/operator multiply files handling mistakes.

This is my main concern. To my knowledge, the way cloud storage providers work is they go:

if(remote.modifiedDate > local.modifiedDate) {
} else if (remote.modifiedDate < local.modifiedDate) {
} else {

The cloud provider doesn't do any merging, it's just random binary as far as it knows. Graphical Example

Which means, if I open either of the cloud-managed local files as my local source of truth, it can be pulled out from under me, like the metaphorical rug, should a merge conflict arise.
In the old KeePass2 days, I'd have a separate local solution, whose ONLY method of contact with anything cloud related was with the KP Sync option.
ie: /home/me/documents/THEDATABASE.kdbx (Open in KP) /home/me/dropbox/THEDATABASE.kdbx (periodically 'Properly' synced at the KP level, with triggers and sync function, and blind-synced with the cloud)

That way, the cloud files are guaranteed to reach eventual consistency, because the true-local copies are only being changed by the KP-aware sync Graphical Example

droidmonkey commented 4 years ago

You missed a step. The cloud service will create a conflict file if there is a recent change locally that did not get synced with the remote.

roberestarkk commented 4 years ago

That's true. But it doesn't really change what I'm saying unless KeePassXC has a mechanism to detect and merge those extra files.

Just add "and an extra file is created in the cloud folder" to each of my examples at the 'dumb sync' stage. You'll still have one scenario where your actual database has dropped an entry (or entries), and one where it hasn't.

You could add a series of steps to the 'non KP Sync' method for manually resolving those files, except the whole point of computers is to automate boring repetitive tasks like that. So each individual user would wind up either having to switch back to KeePass2, or run both side-by-side using KP2 as the 'glue' (which is what I'm having to do at the moment), or custom script some way to detect and merge those conflict files.

Or, the most simple and elegant solution. We pester the KPXC devs across multiple GH issues, in the hope they'll recognise the need for such a feature, and we can get it implemented properly and in a single place where everyone can benefit from it.

seafox commented 4 years ago

@roberestarkk Thanks for taking time and efforts to continue pushing KPXC devs towards more robust common sense sync solution! Juggling with both KP & KPXC apps would be a bit messy workflow here, so atm I'm using just KP. We've got some more time to wait for a proper sync ;-)

aisbergde commented 4 years ago

bidirectional merge = sync this is the most important feature for me.

I use Keepass files as a kind of GIT-repository: I can use copies of the keepass database files at the same time to add or edit different entries and I can merge them all together.

Storing files in a folder under cloud control is not enough. I had a lot of issues using this before sync was possible in Keepass. Files can be changed on two devices at the same time. Cloud services will show a "conflict" and some entries can be lost. Only the sync option will allow to change different items in different environments at the same time.

firepainting commented 3 years ago


I felt kinda compelled to comment here, being the one that I would say is the least computer-savvy in this thread.

More than a year ago I wanted to leave KeePass2 for KeePassXC because KP2 is a mono thing on Linux. I'm just a regular user that jumped into Linux Mint only because Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare--that's it. To me KP2 is the perfect manager except that it's been created mainly for Windows.

Recently KP2 has been annoying, it crashes more and more (on Linux Mint 20, based on Ubuntu 20.04) and it looks like it running on mono is mostly to blame. It's the only app that runs on mono on my two Linux PCs.

But I (still) couldn't jump ship solely because of the absence of "sync triggers" on KPXC.

That's all I need.

I save my database in my phone but never open it there. I also don't trust just one cloud provider; I've had conflicted copies in the past. As you can probably tell, I'm not really "computer smart" enough to even want to accomplish two operations just to sync two databases (and I sync more than two) when I should be able to do that in only one click. I just don't trust my computer skills for that. I might mess up my databases, delete them, lose them, whatever.

And many others here, and I'm sure even those that haven't heard of KPXC, share my exact sentiments--we only want to click a button to sync databases. (Or in my case, set up the triggers just one time, and then just click a button thereafter.) I'm not a fan of third-party extensions.

It isn't wishing to be exactly like KP2. We only need this one feature.

To be honest, it's something the devs seem to be avoiding working on, it blows my mind. #90 is the earliest issue I could find and it was opened more than 4 years ago (and why was it closed?).

I've seen a couple comments say the devs of KPXC are kind of "elitists" in that (to my understanding) they would only do as they wish and not really listen to what users are asking for. They would answer but in the end it's like saying "Well, this is awesome software but why use it if you don't know what you're doing?" I really hope they're wrong. The fact that issues are getting re-opened is a testament to that.

But indeed maybe the real question is, "Why does it seem the devs are eluding this issue?" I would understand if it's a really difficult enterprise, e.g., difficulty in coding or in managing the team(?) but after 4 years it doesn't seem to be the case. I would appreciate it if anyone explained this bit, but please do so in layman's terms.

It's not like we're asking a lot--it's just the built-in feature to sync databases easily. (Unless it's actually a lot I wouldn't know about.)

Isn't the ability to sync, a password manager "right," like access to water is a human right?

I'm sorry if this sounded like a rant, maybe it is. I don't intend to attack anyone.

I would switch to KPXC in a heartbeat if it had sync triggers. I don't know, more and more people have been switching to Linux anyway. This feature would make ditching KP2 a no-brainer and therefore subject KPXC to more support. It's weird that I'm still sticking to the made-for-Windows KP2 on Linux when I should be using the "excellent" KPXC.

But other than that, KPXC was beautiful on Linux, it integrated really well. And I know it's more actively being developed than KP2.

And please don't get me wrong, I do support KPXC as a player in the open world. This comment might sound otherwise but I guarantee you I do.

Thank you.

roberestarkk commented 3 years ago

Hello Firepainting!

As someone in the exact same boat (annoyed with Windows, switched to Linux, switched to KPXC because running KP2 in mono was painful and loved how I didn't have to load up like 5 different plugins to get stuff working but really felt the lack of proper sync) allow me to try to respond to the best of my understanding.

The devs have not previously worked on this feature (group of features?) because it seemed as though they didn't really see the point of it. Most of the issues I've seen that relate somewhat to this, they've basically said "Just open the cloud-provider-managed-file and KPXC will sync that 'file' version of the database with the 'loaded' database in the application itself."

Which is fair enough for many use-cases, but I assume they've never come across the kind of scenario where they are managing a single database across multiple machines, or they are happy with manually resolving cloud-provider-conflict-files with their loaded database every so often. I have 99 conflict files since 27th November this year, so either they're fine with manually resolving 3-4 every day, or they don't get as many as I do (maybe they don't use Dropbox, man that sync client is dodgy). Most likely they just have a single machine they use all the time, or they only manage passwords on a single machine, or some other single source of truth type workflow that limits the sync conflicts without relying on a technical solution.

Once we took the time to properly explain the scenarios we were experiencing and the subsequent risk of losing passwords, they did decide to implement the feature into KPXC, which is why you can see this issue referenced under a development milestone in the little info messages above your post.

I don't really pay a lot of attention to that sort of drama, so I don't know anything about accusations of elitism or what have you. What I will say is that I don't think it's unreasonable for anyone to have trouble understanding problems they don't themselves experience.

All that matters is now they do, and they've undertaken to add the feature that will (I hope) solve our problems, all we have to do now is be patient and be thankful.

The one concern I have is that they'll add a menu entry for syncing the current DB with another file, but no way to automate doing so periodically, but we'll see!

phoerious commented 3 years ago

I am using and modifying my database on multiple devices and I am rarely or almost never experiencing conflicts. And when I do, I can simply merge them together automatically using KPXC's merge feature.

Since autoreload and automerge is enabled by default, the only way you can get conflicts is when two users modify the database in rapid succession (i.e. faster than Dropbox can propagate the changes). That can happen and it happens more often the more users you have, but 60 conflict files seems extreme. Check your settings.

droidmonkey commented 3 years ago

We added a "Save Database Backup" feature in 2.6.0 that would satisfy @firepainting scenario. Since he said he never opens the database anywhere else, just saves them to various locations, a sync is not necessary. We decided not to support triggers or scripting for security reasons. You can do all that outside keepassxc with bash.

phoerious commented 3 years ago

I think simple triggers were this sync scheme with four database copies, which doesn't need any scripting. That could be implemented without concerns for security.

roberestarkk commented 3 years ago

@droidmonkey firepainting actually says they save but don't open it on their phone, so it would work for that, but they have two linux machines running KeePass (which I therefore presume they open it on) and have had cloud save conflicts in the past.

@phoerious I doubt that anything I can do settings-wise will help me. The problem comes when the Dropbox client just flat out stops syncing after a while for no reason, or when my Australian potato internet starts syncing and then doesn't finish by the time I finish using my PC and turn it off, or a storm comes through and the internet goes away entirely, or any number of other problems that can happen because the internet is held together with string, duct tape, and chewed gum.

KeePassXC can't guarantee that my cloud sync provider will sync the DB file properly, completely, and quickly each and every time. Nor can it guarantee that it will always be running and have the file open to be able to merge it when the cloud sync app detects remote changes. So I instead rely on KeePassXC to be able to periodically automatically bi-directionally sync a database file with another copy of itself like KeePass2 can. This lets me totally and cleanly decouple KeePassXC from the mechanism for synchronising the database file, in a way that guarantees eventual lossless consistency between all instances of the database across the entire cloud without requiring any manual intervention, or any manual merging of conflict files (assuming the cloud provider can be trusted to always generate them).

firepainting commented 3 years ago

Hi again and thanks so much for the replies.


I sync databases mainly for backup, and I back up in as many places as I can. I use 5 cloud providers, all with the ability to sync with my 2 PCs, and decided to use them all as part of my backup system for my KeePass db because why not?

My current setup is that whenever I "save" my master db, the other four sync automatically.

I always thought it would be very reasonable (borderline a must) to have at least one backup and that that backup must be updated in real time once the master db gets updated. This means there must be at least 2 dbs in total that are automatically synced with each other. It might have been confirmation bias, but when I researched about "the need to sync" and "how to sync" etc., I thought many people needed the sync feature especially as a backup solution. It was a basic solution if you cared enough about your passwords.

This part I realize is where I may be mistaken now, because the lack of the feature up to now might mean that not that many people actually need it (but how do we know?), or that KPXC really is only for technical people, which I don't consider myself one.

If I'm following you, the devs thought there wasn't a need to sync another database because, in the case of multiple machines, the user only needed to open the db from the cloud server itself, like Dropbox? That it wasn't thought of as a simple backup solution? (Just to be clear, it's not my only backup solution, but syncing dbs is a huge part of it and especially gives me peace of mind.)

If that's the case, then I'm sure it is highly appreciated that the need is now acknowledged.

In terms of syncing and conflicted files, luckily Dropbox has been 100% perfect for me, in my 5+ years of using it. There was that one time when their servers seemed down (maybe location-specific) for a couple hours but no conflicted files ever, even on the times our internet's gone potato, too.


Yes I open my databases on my 2 PCs only--I just wanted to show how simple my setup is. And also wanted to point out that I don't trust only one cloud service provider due to my past experiences with conflicted files. For context, I work on stuff directly from Dropbox daily because of the need to sync my 2 PCs. It is backwards but it's what works for me atm. Anyway, it's just about creating multiple backups--the more cloud providers I could sync my dbs in, the better. If one gets corrupted, I have other copies.

I think it's worth noting that I've never had corrupted dbs, though. Conflicted dbs haven't given me any problems. KP2 would just create a duplicate copy--the conflicted db--but the main backup was still intact. I just had to delete the conflicted db. It's annoying but I find KP2 to be really stable that way. I understand that these conflicts could be attributed mainly to the cloud providers themselves.

Edit: Adding the issue I opened last year, #3768, which describes in detail my setup and use case for sync triggers.

phoerious commented 3 years ago

I use Nextcloud to sync my DBs, but the mechanism is the same for any versioned cloud sync (that includes Dropbox). I have the database synced to multiple (n) devices, so together with the Nextcloud server, it is mirrored to n+1 devices. Not all copies are fully up to date all the time until I have used every device after a change, but it's good enough to prevent a total loss (and I don't create new accounts every day, so changes are rather rare). The file itself is version-controlled by Nextcloud, so if I ever need to go back to an older version (never had the need to so far), I can---even if the changes are already propagated to all devices. In addition, I include the Nextcloud sync directory of at least my main device in my regular incremental NAS backup, which keeps a history as well. All in all, I would say the risk of data loss is minimal with so many copies of which at least one is off-site.

dssouza-ti commented 3 years ago

Well, in a work environment where a team needs to use the same database, and all of them are open and being updated all the time, this sync feature is the only thing that works. Keeshare is useless in this case, as it can't share group structure and dropbox, google drive, onedrive and every cloud storage solution are also useless. For me, it doesn't matter if the user is a "technical person" or not, this is a very simple feature and one of the most useful on keepass2. It's also the only reason me, my team and at least 15 other users I konw still keep using keepass2, even though keepassxc is better in every ohter way. I also fail to figure out any logical reason for why this feature keeps being pushed forward and not implemented right away.

roberestarkk commented 3 years ago

Just taking a step back here... @phoerious are you guys convinced of the need to provide an automatic periodic bi-directional sync with another local copy of the db file? ie: Every x seconds, perform a bi-directional sync with the currently opened DB file and the DB file at filesystem location Y, without requiring credential re-entry each time.

If you are, then we don't need to keep trying to convince you and we can just wait patiently for the implementation stage. If you are not, or are but only partially (eg: bi-directional and automatic but not periodic), please let us know because we really need you guys to be convinced, and we're happy to keep trying until then!

phoerious commented 3 years ago

We know it's a requested feature and will implement parts of it when we find the time. We want to avoid implementing the synchronisation itself, because it adds unnecessary complexity for a feature which external tools can do much better than we ever could.

Odeen commented 3 years ago

We know it's a requested feature and will implement parts of it when we find the time. We want to avoid implementing the synchronisation itself, because it adds unnecessary complexity for a feature which external tools can do much better than we ever could.

We're talking about a master-master-...-master DB scheme and not a master-slave scheme. @phoerious Exactly which external tool can merge 2 existing DBs without data loss?

phoerious commented 3 years ago

KeePassXC can merge databases and with a temporary buffer database, you can sync without data loss over Dropbox. The latter part is the only thing missing at the moment. Please read the trigger spec.

Odeen commented 3 years ago

Is there already a bidirectional merge? Last time a tried it was not bidirectional.... I have to use Dropbox for a db sync? Really? How does it adapt to a master-master-master DB scenario? If I have 3 PCs with 3 local DBs and a remote webdav copy. No dropbox is involved here.