keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Improve Usability of Icons #4269

Open OLLI-S opened 4 years ago

OLLI-S commented 4 years ago


Please show a number below the icons, so I can select them faster.


In KeePassXC I have for my groups also custom icons:


In the group "Netzwerk" (means "Network") I wanted to change the icons of two existing entries (give them the same icon than the group has). So all passwords for WLAN connections have the same icon:


In KeePass (not KeePassXC) I just edit the entry with the correct icon and click on the icon to exchange it. Here I see numbers behind all icons and the selected icon is highlighted clearly:


So In KeePass I just have to remember the number 556, edit an entry, change the icon, type 556 and KeePass jumps to the correct icon. Here I just have to click OK.

In KeePassXC I have to search the icon manually and select it (costs more time). And without the numbers I also have no orientation where in the list I am (except the scroll bar).


Please add the following features in KeePassXC:

This makes exchanging icons much easier!


Maybe you show the name of the icon or the name of the URL instead of a number. So when I upload an icon "WLAN_Black.ico" you show "WLAN_Black" but allow me to edit the name afterwards (so I can rename it to "WLAN"). When I download the favicon from any website like "" you just show "" (but also here you allow me to edit the name).

When you have names, you show the icons in alphabetical order. And here a filter (that you show only those icons that match the search criteria) makes more sense.

The advantage of names is that I don't have to look up the number of the icon of an existing entry and that I also don't have to remember the number. I just edit the entry, type "WLA" and get the correct icon listed.

ostaszewskik commented 4 years ago

I second this idea. Also, consider using things like tags to manage icons. I am also a heavy icon user, before pulling favicons form url was an option I was manually doing this, cropping and resizing multiple logos to achieve that. No I have ~100 icons and I frequently catch myself adding the same icon simply because I forgot I'd done it. So please add at least one, if not all of the below options:

  1. icon numbering (as @OLLI-S mentioned)
  2. Icon naming
  3. Icon grouping / adding tags.
  4. Manually changing order of icons (drag and drop).
joelroyer commented 3 years ago

Also, I would suggest adding to database reports an alert if some icons are not in use in order to allow their eventual removal.