Closed imp1sh closed 3 years ago
Just stumbled over this thread after experiencing the same problem (Fedora 33, x86_64, running keepassxc-2.6.4-1.fc33.x86_64 on Gnome/Wayland). I can confirm that text input does not work when KeepassXC is started automatically when logging in. When I quit the application and start it via the application menu (Application -> Accessories -> KeepassXC), text input works as expected after unlocking the database.
FWIW, this is how ~/.config/autostart/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop
looks like:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Password Manager
And that's the desktop entry /usr/share/applications/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop
for the start menu:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Password Manager
GenericName[ar]=مدير كلمات المرور
GenericName[bg]=Мениджър на пароли
GenericName[ca]=Gestor de contrasenyes
GenericName[cs]=Aplikace pro správu hesel
GenericName[es]=Gestor de contraseñas
GenericName[fr]=Gestionnaire de mot de passe
GenericName[id]=Pengelola Sandi
GenericName[it]=Gestione password
GenericName[ko]=암호 관리자
GenericName[lt]=Slaptažodžių tvarkytuvė
GenericName[pl]=Menedżer haseł
GenericName[pt_BR]=Gerenciador de Senhas
GenericName[pt]=Gestor de palavras-passe
GenericName[ro]=Manager de parole
GenericName[ru]=менеджер паролей
GenericName[sk]=Správca hesiel
GenericName[tr]=Parola yöneticisi
GenericName[uk]=Розпорядник паролів
Comment=Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe”
Comment[da]=Fællesskabsdrevet port af Windows-programmet “KeePass Password Safe”
Comment[et]=Kogukonna arendatav port Windowsi programmist KeePass Password Safe
Exec=keepassxc %f
This message clarifies once and for all the problems with Fedora/CentOS/RHEL I am releasing soon a patch in the Fedora package
so I can save your e-mail address? I need a list of people that experienced problems with Wayland, since upstream Qt developers say to have fixed the Wayland problem on 5.15.2 but my empirical research says the opposite. So I will probably need your help in future for running some tests.Thank you
Same on Linux Mint, below more information:
System: Kernel: 5.8.0-50-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Desktop: Cinnamon 4.8.6
wm: muffin dm: LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
Machine: Type: Desktop Mobo: MSI model: H97M-G43(MS-7924) v: 1.0 serial: <filter>
UEFI: American Megatrends v: 2.4 date: 07/22/2014
CPU: Topology: Quad Core model: Intel Core i5-4460 bits: 64 type: MCP arch: Haswell rev: 3
L2 cache: 6144 KiB
flags: avx avx2 lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx bogomips: 25598
Speed: 1378 MHz min/max: 800/3400 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 1591 2: 1492 3: 1622
4: 1398
Graphics: Device-1: NVIDIA GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070] vendor: ASUSTeK driver: nvidia v: 460.73.01
bus ID: 01:00.0 chip ID: 10de:1b81
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.9 driver: nvidia
unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,nouveau,vesa resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz, 1920x1080~60Hz
OpenGL: renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 460.73.01
direct render: Yes
I was previously experiencing this issue on Fedora and it seems to be fixed in 2.6.4-2.fc34. Auto-type also wasn't working previously and now everything works.
It was a bad packaging patch that caused the problem in fc33
I haven't had any problems for a couple of weeks now. I'm on fc34 and keepassxc 2.6.6. From my perspective this is resolved.
I'm no longer seeing the exact issue that was reported either (fields not accepting input). I'm on debian sid, so my case was probably a bit different from the fedora/wayland flavour of the issue. I'm still not getting a carat in the search field but that's a minor issue which doesn't affect usability, is probably something specific to my system and seems unrelated to this bugreport.
It was a bad packaging patch that caused the problem in fc33
@Germano0 this was the Qt QPA Wayland patch that was being injected into the Fedora release.
It looks like the issue has reappeard with the latest version (see #7959 )
@droidmonkey I'm running into this issue pretty consistently on 2.7.1
on Fedora 35
The common denominator is KeePassXC, possibly Wayland, and Fedora. The last time this cropped up it was external packages causing invalid Qt operation that impacted our app.
Occurs on Fedora 35 (Wayland) after system restarts. The database password field takes input. v2.7.1
After the last update, it does not work anymore for me neither.
Being on Fedora I rely on flatpak for several applications. The search-field for KeepassXC as a flatpak works.
Also, the issue described on this ticket is a bit different though since the search does not work at all (and not only on start).
If it helps, here is my qt
packages :
# dnf list installed qt*
Installed Packages
qt.x86_64 1:4.8.7-61.fc34 @updates
qt-common.noarch 1:4.8.7-61.fc34 @updates
qt-settings.noarch 34.7-2.fc34 @updates
qt-x11.x86_64 1:4.8.7-61.fc34 @updates
qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.15.2-30.fc34 @updates
qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.15.2-30.fc34 @updates
qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.15.2-30.fc34 @updates
qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.15.2-7.fc34 @updates
qt5-qtsvg.x86_64 5.15.2-4.fc34 @fedora
qt5-qtwayland.x86_64 5.15.2-19.fc34 @updates
qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64 5.15.2-3.fc34 @anaconda
qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64 5.15.2-4.fc34 @anaconda
The Fedora package maintainer admitted it is a packaging issue and will be fixed soon.
When I start KeepassXC and unlock the database I cannot search in it. I hit CTRL + F or I click with mouse into search field. Then I cannot enter any string whatsoever. When I close Keepass and restart / unlock it again it works again. But the first time after system boot it always fails to work
Steps to Reproduce
Install KeepassXC
Start Keepass
Try to search for an element via CTRL + F or by clicking into the search form
Expected Behavior
I should be able to search but I'm not.
I experienced this phenomena on two different computers, both installed freshly with Fedora 33.
KeePassXC - Version 2.6.1 Revision: 9a35bba
Qt 5.15.1 Diagnosemodus ist deaktiviert.
Betriebssystem: Fedora 33 (Workstation Edition) CPU-Architektur: x86_64 Kernel: linux 5.8.16-300.fc33.x86_64
Aktivierte Erweiterungen:
Kryptographische Bibliotheken: libgcrypt 1.8.6
Operating System: Fedora 33 Desktop Env: Gnome Windowing System: Wayland