keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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KeeShare: force|manual|automatic sync after reconnecting to network - does not work #6160

Open 1de opened 3 years ago

1de commented 3 years ago


Syncing with KeeShare (with an external DB) occurs only after saving/editing an item. So if the network-connection is gone (or you're just not connected), and at this time some entries will be edited/added the sync to an external db will "never" happen until changes will be saved WHILE you're connected to the network.

(Not sure where to place this topic, in my opinion it's half an issue half a feature-wish, sorry).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. add an external (network stored) kdbx to your lokal db via KeeShare. (Add Group)
  2. select the KeeShare button on the sidebar
  3. Type: Synchronize; Path: /internet/*.kdbx; Password: ***; Press OK (unsigned sharing)
  4. disconnect to your networkconnection
  5. add/edit an item in your database, save it and you'll get the hint, that sync isn't available
  6. reconnect your network and try to force a sync (no button available, no automatic sync, no shorcut found)
  7. save any changes and the sync will occur (works fine, but when you close your database nothing will be synced too, after reopening it, the same)

Expected Behavior

Options (any or all): a) KeepassXC is able to check if a network-connection is avaiable or not and syncs automaticilly b) there is a shortcut available for syncing c) there is a button available (e.g. inside the green "Synchronized with ..... /*.kdbx"-box) with "Force Sync" or something like that.

Actual Behavior

After reconnecting to the network there is no option to force a sync (no button available, no automatic sync, no shortcut found)


KeePassXC - 2.6.4 Revision: 34a78f0

Operating System: macOS Catalina

droidmonkey commented 3 years ago

KeeShare is getting recoded for 2.7.0 there are a lot of odd bugs like this one in the current implementation.

1de commented 3 years ago

ok, then i don't have to do anything except waiting and donating? :)

droidmonkey commented 3 years ago

lol, those two things never hurt! Now you could make a minor change to any entry and force a database save when your network connection restores which will sync the KeeShare group.

1de commented 3 years ago

those two things never hurt!

hehe, i thought so. okay.

don't want to ask for an eta, because this would be more than cheeky. so i won't haha. thank you for your effort and the incredible fast feedback. have a nice day/evening/night.

Schoerch commented 3 years ago

Hello, also have some problems with the sync function.

In my opinion, a button to force sync of all databases in the main menu and an entry in the group context menu to force sync for the configured external database is needed. This would solve most temporary connection problems by the user quickly and easily.

Just checking the network connection is not the solution. Because this it creates some unnecessary background tasks. For a secure check, further checks have to be done. (Which network connection is the right one, VPN tunnel is up, network drive is connected).

Cor-J commented 3 years ago

Hello, Could it be done by a right click on the group we want to sync?

How is going the re-write? we are at 2.6.6 currently

Thanks for the tool, works fine, and is way sexier than classic keypass ^^ I may manage to convince some people to move on password manager instead of paper...

droidmonkey commented 3 years ago

I have the rewrite in a branch on develop currently. It is still proof of concept WIP and not ready for testing.

Cor-J commented 3 years ago

So if we find issues regarding the current version, do we still report them even if it isn't security related?

droidmonkey commented 3 years ago

No its being completely rewritten

alejandracios commented 1 year ago

Having a button to force sync will help if you edit the database from other all like cellphone apps. Currently switched to KeepassDX due to Keeshare feature (which is awesome) but when I edit an entry using KeepassDX on android and open the DB, there is no other way to force sycn than modifying something to allow saving. BTW i have entered a never ending loop with a synced DB with other two. Excellent app!!