keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Single Factor FIDO2 Authentication #6801

Closed Iiridayn closed 3 years ago

Iiridayn commented 3 years ago


"Is FIDO2 the Kingslayer of User Authentication? A Comparative Usability Study of FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication" ( shows that users would be willing to replace their passwords with a "Something you have" FIDO2 authenticator, such as a Yubikey. I would appreciate the convenience of unlocking my password database simply by having a USB device on my keyring instead of retyping (and typoing) my 8 word diceware passphrase. I am uncomfortable with the idea of leaving encryption keys able to unlock my database on various devices, though I recognize some common device compromise vectors able to acquire such a key may also access my password or unlocked database itself.

KeePassXC already supports Yubikeys as a second factor of authentication; would it not be simple then to support them as an alternate single factor of authentication, no weaker than a 100-bit passphrase?

To be clear - I would like to be able to choose at the time I unlock my database which authentication credential I would like to use - single factor passphrase or single factor Yubikey. I don't want to have to use both together, but would like each to have equivalent security.


I care a lot about both security and convenience/usability. I use KeePassXC on 3 x86_64 devices and 2 android devices, syncing my database via Syncthing. I have a strong passphrase which is somewhat bothersome to retype - when I read that paper, KeePassXC immediately came to mind.

droidmonkey commented 3 years ago

FIDO2 is covered by #3560. We won't ever support multiple valid credential combos, that is not part of the kdbx standard.

Iiridayn commented 3 years ago

I do not agree that this is a duplicate of the linked issue. Multiple valid credential combos is indeed what I am requesting. As the project won't ever support it, this should instead be closed as wontfix.

Iiridayn commented 2 years ago

Reading, it looks like the password derived key could be encrypted and stored in the outer header, as plugin data. This would then be compatible with other users of the kdbx4 file; they just wouldn't support the alternate authentication methods.