keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
21.5k stars 1.48k forks source link

Error in #7750

Open 0xShree opened 2 years ago

0xShree commented 2 years ago


I was installing the app through source file. In it mentioned to checkout to master branch for stable build after cloning. There is only develop

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior


KeePassXC - 2.7.0

Operating System: Linux Desktop Env: KDE

0xShree commented 2 years ago

Which one is the stable branch?

droidmonkey commented 2 years ago


michaelk83 commented 2 years ago

Merge strategy wiki page is also out of date. According to it, master should point at the latest release version. But there is no master anymore.

0xShree commented 2 years ago

It will be good to have rebased master branch and release/x.y.z as feature branch Why master branch discontinued?

phoerious commented 2 years ago

Because master is always stale and cannot be fast-forwarded if we continue to release patches for the current stable version. There will be a "latest" tag instead, but right now we don't have it, because it interferes with our build system.