keepassxreboot / keepassxc

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
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Libnotify support on Linux #9191

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago


I would appreciate it if KeePassXC could use libnotify on Linux systems. Currently, all notifications in the taskbar look like they were custom-made (see screenshot).



In this screenshot, you can see how it would look like using dunst for example.



Libnotify support would allow KeePassXC to integrate with the system's notification daemon and look a bit more uniform.

droidmonkey commented 1 year ago

Does Qt support this integration? The current notifications are from Qt api.

luzpaz commented 11 months ago

Opened a ticket to ask in

phoerious commented 11 months ago

QSystemTrayIcon should use the correct API or protocol for showing notifications on your desktop. Back in the day, you needed to install libnotify-qt to enable this integration, but I don't think that's needed anymore. To me it looks like you are using the AppImage, which may not be able to interact with your system properly.

vetu104 commented 5 months ago

I found that for notifications to work in keepassxc, your dbus must provide a Status Notifier Host, specifically the IsStatusNotifierHostRegistered property must be true, when keepassxc is starting.

System trays in modern desktop environments seem to implement this specification, but I'm using a minimal setup with window manager only. Other Qt applications such as qBittorrent send notifications correctly even without the service. Anyway, my solution was to create a python script which lies about the existence of such service, now notifications are showing correctly in org.freedesktop.Notifications providers, instead of like shown in the OP:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import gi

from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import GLib

loop = GLib.MainLoop()

NODE_INFO = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml("""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <interface name="org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher">
        <method name="RegisterStatusNotifierItem">
            <arg type="s" direction="in"/>
        <method name="RegisterStatusNotifierHost">
            <arg type="s" direction="in"/>
        <property name="RegisteredStatusNotifierItems" type="as" access="read">
        <property name="IsStatusNotifierHostRegistered" type="b" access="read">

def on_call(conn, sender, path, interface, method, params, invocation):
    if method == "Get" and params[1] == "IsStatusNotifierHostRegistered":
        invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant("(v)", [GLib.Variant("b", True)]))

def on_name_acquired(conn, name):
    interface = NODE_INFO.interfaces[0]

            "/StatusNotifierWatcher", interface, on_call)

def on_name_lost(conn, name):
    sys.exit(f"Could not acquire {name}.")

def main():
    owner_id = Gio.bus_own_name(
            None,  # on_bus_acquired
    except KeyboardInterrupt:


Credits to the original script I used as base:

I don't usually need a system tray, so I keep it hidden/disabled and therefore I am unable to get notifications from keepassxc without this script. Most Qt applications seem to send notifications directly via the dbus interface (QDBusConnection) instead of going through the tray icon.