keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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[Citizens] Wrong Guava version #448

Open Mastergalen opened 11 years ago

Mastergalen commented 11 years ago

With the latest Citizens dev build now at least loading up with the version check disabled, the following errors are encountered when trying to create a new NPC.

E.g. /npc create Guard

gravypod commented 11 years ago

This is using CBO code. See "org/bukkit/craftbukkit/v1_4_R1/entity/CraftLivingEntity" in the errors. We cannot guarantee this plugin will work. We will make attempts.

Fureniku commented 11 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Just commenting here so I get emails about any updates ;)