keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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Chestshop issue #478

Open Leganie opened 11 years ago

Leganie commented 11 years ago

Ok, so I have chest shop somewhat working. It will buy and sell if they are on different signs and adminshop works. I can sell anything as far as I can tell but I do not know if its from item ids or just modded items IE from rp2 or portal gun mod. When selling with a mod's item it will not remove the item. Running FTB mindcrack latest for server w/ WE/WG/ESS/ESSchat/GM/Iconomy/towny all parts[questioner does not work]/modworld/voxel sniper. I hope that is enough info.

Thanks, Leganie

Leganie commented 11 years ago

Oh yeah, if you could check into /region flag pvp I cant seem to get it to allow pvp on a none pvp server

fhntv24 commented 11 years ago

I cant seem to get it to allow pvp on a none pvp server-that is not bug,that is feathure :) bug with IC/RP/Etc that is plugin bug,beacos on BukKit with forge(not forge with plugins :D)you have the same problem. Edit:oh i have that bug too but WITH all item's,i was thinking what you have bug only with mod's item's

ghost commented 11 years ago

I was having this bug but after a few restarts it worked it self out... Strange