keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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[McMyAdmin] stopped reading online players #549

Closed tonnic closed 11 years ago

tonnic commented 11 years ago

I THINK this is the right place, as McMyAdmin was working fine until the plugin was installed.. now the server can't see users online, etc.

SpoonsJTD commented 11 years ago

Any error or warning messages of any kind?

tonnic commented 11 years ago


tonnic commented 11 years ago


dequis commented 11 years ago

Man this issue is weird. I was thinking it'd be the same as the rcon one, but #mcmyadmin tells me it's always just a wrapper that writes to the console.

Does it still happen with no plugins at all? Apparently it uses /list, which isn't changed by BF, but maybe one of your plugins does..

Are there other features from mcmyadmin that get broken by adding BF?

tonnic commented 11 years ago

I can do a /list and it shows the players...

tonnic commented 11 years ago

Didn't think backups were running, but they might be... I'll check tomorrow.

tonnic commented 11 years ago

backups are running fine.

tonnic commented 11 years ago

Also opened a ticket with McMyAdmin and they found said: "The problem is that whatever mod you're using is messing around with the console output and isn't showing who is logging in. You should raise a bug with the mod authors to fix this, otherwise there's nothing MCMA can do about it."

dequis commented 11 years ago

Dammit, that's useless. Can you try asking this person exactly what line of the console output is needed for this feature? They didn't mention that when i asked on irc.

tonnic commented 11 years ago

Waiting for a response. The original post is at

dequis commented 11 years ago

2013-03-04 17:42:03 [INFO] [/] logged in with entity id 1062390 at (6215.987009115607, 165.0, 14566.850656368935)

You pasted this. Did you remove the player name before the obscured IP address? (And after the [INFO]) If not, this is the issue. If you removed it manually due to privacy, please clarify in the other thread, since it's likely he thinks this is the issue.

dequis commented 11 years ago

Okay, seems like you removed the player name, but you're missing "[Minecraft]", which is visible in my ftb mindcrack test server. Which modpack from FTB are you using, and what version? Include as many details as possible to let me get the same result.

By the way it seems you have a few nonstandard mods - are you COMPLETELY sure that adding bukkitforge breaks this?

tonnic commented 11 years ago

i didn't change anything and the users show now......

dequis commented 11 years ago

lolwhat. Do the messages say [Minecraft]?

tonnic commented 11 years ago

...not at all

17:45:53 CONSOLE: [INFO] User USERNAMEREMOVED connecting with mods [BiblioCraft, RedPowerWiring, DynamicElevators, kirsybuuDoubleDoorMod, TwilightForest, BuildCraft|Transport, OmniTools, RedPowerCompat, Backpack, ObsidiPlates, RedPowerLogic, ThermalExpansion|Energy, Thaumcraft, drceph.petrogen, Forestry, BinnieCore, AdvancedMachines, IronChest, BuildCraft|Energy, Railcraft, GregTech_Addon, MiscPeripherals, factorization, RedPowerLighting, mod_bspkrsCore, RedPowerBase, XyCraft, Lepko-EasyCrafting, ThermalExpansion, NetherOres, BuildCraft|Silicon, ThermalExpansion|Transport, GraviSuite, BuildCraft|Core, IC2NuclearControl, ThermalExpansion|Factory, MoCreatures, IC2, ExtraBees, SlimevoidLib, ExtrabiomesXL, ComputerCraft, AdvancedSolarPanel, TreeCapitator, BuildCraft|Factory, RedPowerMachine, SoulShards, RedPowerCore, CCTurtle, ChestTransporter, RedPowerControl, BuildCraft|Builders, RedPowerWorld]

dequis commented 11 years ago

Well uh. I dunno. Let's just assume it was some sort of weird mistake in your part and close the ticket. I believe that if you close it, you can reopen it at any time later.

tonnic commented 11 years ago

lol ok... i honestly didn't change anything....