keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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WorldBorder Fill Fails after Start #555

Open Ev3rM0r3 opened 11 years ago

Ev3rM0r3 commented 11 years ago

Worldborder works for setting boundaries and will even initially start to do a /wb fill (world) (rate) (pad) command, when executed shows that it works then says error something encountered and the fill generation stops.

Any chance you get to check it out this would be great because I generate large worlds and its a pain in the ass to have 10 players exploring. Generally takes the server down or lags everyone off it till it catches up. With a night of this plugin the map is generated in one pass. Props if you get it too work.

dequis commented 11 years ago

Duplicate of either #101 or #404, but if you have a different error post the log here.