keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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[Ban plugins] ANY ban plugins out there is working properly #597

Open ficolas opened 11 years ago

ficolas commented 11 years ago

ANY ban plugins out there is working properly. Only default bukkit bans, wich sucks. MaxBans, Ban Management, etc... All the plugins are just not working.

Ionaru commented 11 years ago


ficolas commented 11 years ago

No, essentials bans is not working properly. It at least doesen't allows users to relog, but temp ban is not working. Your avatar is scaring. @Ionaru

alexbegt commented 11 years ago

What build/essentials

ficolas commented 11 years ago

@alexbegt Latest avaiable for 1.4.7

alexbegt commented 11 years ago


ficolas commented 11 years ago

@alexbegt So far all the ban plugins I used are not working properly. I used the latest version of forgebukkit and the latest version of the plugins (but still for 1.4.7) So far the ONLY working good ban is default bukkit bans.

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

Use the default bukkit bans then. It may suck, but it's better then nothing. :)

ficolas commented 11 years ago

@Ionaru It's not just they suck, I just don't know how to use them. The ban file doesen't come with any kind of instructions.

ficolas commented 11 years ago

Also, I'm using essentials and that overwrites /ban command, so only someone with access to the file can ban becouse of essentials overwrite.

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

Essentials ban always worked fine for me, instead of tempban I use /jail and /mute. :P

ficolas commented 11 years ago

I prefer ban. Ban is better.

ficolas commented 11 years ago

@alexbegt any news?

alexbegt commented 11 years ago

@ficolas What is broke now

ficolas commented 11 years ago

@alexbegt For me the ban plugin(s) keep doing the same thing. The new build is for 1.4.7 or the next minecraft version? Im getting a ton of strange things with latest builds and might be becouse of that. (Im utill on 1.4.7)