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AuthMe and LWC MYSQL not working? #616

Closed Awesomecross97 closed 11 years ago

Awesomecross97 commented 11 years ago

I am running build 257 on my Tekkit Like 0.6.1 server, and AuthMe and LWC won't work with MYSQL, they work without it though.

With LWC, it pauses the entire startup process while it tried to connect to the database, then it says this;

2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ################

2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ################

2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ### NOTE: LWC ha s failed to connect to the database (MySQL) 2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ### The er ror received from the server is: "Communications link failure

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driv er has not received any packets from the server." 2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ### 2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ### RESOLVING: O nce you have fixed this error, simply restart the server again 2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ################

2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] ################

2013-04-14 14:02:05 [INFO] [com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin] [LWC] Failed to connec t to database, aborting startup attempt and going into safe mode

With AuthMe, it pretty much pauses the startup process for even longer than LWC, then crashes all of my other plugins, and it returns this error;

2013-04-14 14:09:19 [SEVERE] [Minecraft] [AuthMe] ERROR: Timeout while waiting f or a valid database connection. 2013-04-14 14:09:19 [SEVERE] [Minecraft] [AuthMe] ERROR: Can't use MySQL... Plea se input correct MySQL informations ! SHUTDOWN...

I am pretty sure this is a BukkitForge problem since I tested these plugins on a regular Bukkit server and they connected to a database fine.

Fundaris commented 11 years ago

looks more like a mysql server problem then bf :x Check your settings or post your configs here with user and password removed

cant repro on mc 1.5.1 (bf 274) with authme and lwc mysql

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

2013-04-14 14:09:19 [SEVERE] [Minecraft] [AuthMe] ERROR: Can't use MySQL... Plea se input correct MySQL informations ! SHUTDOWN...

Kinda says it...