keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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Error when saving - Redstone Ether #618

Open SquaredTiki opened 11 years ago

SquaredTiki commented 11 years ago

When trying to save the following error is logged to the console:

    at codechicken.wirelessredstone.core.RedstoneEtherServer.saveEther(
    at codechicken.wirelessredstone.core.WRCoreEventHandler.onWorldSave(
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_111_WRCoreEventHandler_onWorldSave_Save.invoke(.dynamic)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
    at in.a(
    at org.bukkit.command.defaults.SaveCommand.execute(
    at keepcalm.mods.bukkit.forgeHandler.commands.CommandExecutor2CommandBase.b(
    at keepcalm.mods.bukkit.nmsforge.CommandHandlerImpl.a(
    at x.a(
    at ho.r(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(

The latest version of BukkitForge is being used

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

Anything else you can tell me about the crash? Error log, what other mods are you using, 1.5.1 or 1.4.7?

SquaredTiki commented 11 years ago

It does not crash rather just logs the error. It is 1.4.7 with the following mods:

It started happening after I updated a few mods in particular namely:

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

Does everything work? Or are there features not working because of this?

SquaredTiki commented 11 years ago

Everything works however the log file becomes quite a large size over time and also (this may or may not be related) but if the server is left on for about 2-3 days straight it becomes impossible to connect to despite it being running fine.

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

And you are running BukkitForge 257?

SquaredTiki commented 11 years ago

Yes, I am indeed

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

Then I don't know what's causing the trouble, a (temporary) solution is to restart the server everyday and delete the log file every now and then.

SquaredTiki commented 11 years ago

That's the solution I've employed at the moment, thanks anyway for your help!

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

I'm sorry I couldn't help you fix it. Would anyone else like to try? :P