keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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BukkitForge won't load #637

Open Aycardus opened 11 years ago

Aycardus commented 11 years ago

Hello, we recently installed the new Tekkit with the spaceships and what not. Everything working fine, we had plugins installed and all working properly. Yesterday, Wendnesday 5/15/2013, I shut the server down for a few minutes to add some plugins. Started it back up, said it was online, I left it for a few minutes because I knew it was going to tell me that BukkitForge was loading. I came back to my computer and attempted to log on, said it was still loading. So I waited some more, still loading, waited some more, still loading. I got to a point where I figured I'd leave it for the night. Still loading. I went into the ForgeModLoader crash.txt. and it said I should report this, so here I am, and I'd like to know how to make BukkitForge work again. :l

2013-05-16 19:34:21 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Something real bad happened! The CraftAPI will not be running for this Minecraft session. You should probably report this bug to the developer(s) at java.lang.NullPointerException at keepcalm.mods.bukkit.nmsforge.DimensionManagerImpl.initDimension( at net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager.initDimension( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71218_a( at keepcalm.mods.bukkitforge.BukkitForgeWorldCache.cacheWorld( at keepcalm.mods.bukkitforge.BukkitForgeWorldCache.tryGetWorld( at keepcalm.mods.bukkitforge.BukkitForgeWorldCache.get( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R2.CraftServer.( at at Source)

Fundaris commented 11 years ago

Hi, Could u please post Forge version and bukkitforge build?

fire3797 commented 11 years ago

The same thing happened to me

alexbegt commented 11 years ago

Fundaris commented 2 days ago Hi, Could u please post Forge version and bukkitforge build?

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

Forge version BukkitForge version 1.5.1-292 (latest as of this date)

This error occurs even without any mods installed.

Server log:

Crash log:

Fundaris commented 11 years ago

@Ionaru could u try build 283 and post feedback ty :)

Ionaru commented 11 years ago

It doesn't work, I get the same error.

Fundaris commented 11 years ago

wait why u try a 1.5.1 build with 1.5.2 server?! It's not compatible please see the over issue #639 And those errors are not even close ...

alexbegt commented 11 years ago

theflyingemu commented 11 years ago

I know this issue is a month old but I encountered the same issue/error on my Hexxit 1.0.0 server using BukkitForge 1.5.2-1 and was only able to resolve the issue by disabling the DimensionalDoors-1.5.2R1.4.0RC1-149 mod.