keepcalm / BukkitForge

The world's first __opensource__ coremod. Also a port of the Bukkit server API to MinecraftForge.,3254.0.html
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Bukkitforge, Commandblock, essentials, not able to detect player #658

Open Soos621 opened 11 years ago

Soos621 commented 11 years ago

Hello, ive been trying to find out some information on this problem. I havnt been able to come up with anything but i am running latest version of bukkitforge build .257 i think, essentials 2.10.1, on ftb ultimate server 1.4.7. It seems that the @p command will not detect the player with bukkitforge and i was wondering if there was any type of fix for this. I know i running "outdated" versions but they are all the latest builds for 1.4.7

Just wondering if there was a way to get bukkitforge to detect the players when running @p command in commandblocks.

Thnaks! -Soos