keeps / dbptk-ui

DBPTK base UI for both Desktop and Enterprise
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Non supported character set (add orai18n.jar in your classpath): BLT8MSWIN1257 #307

Open raulk89 opened 2 years ago

raulk89 commented 2 years ago



Steps required to reproduce the bug:

  1. Have database with BLT8MSWIN1257 charset (my database is oracle 10.2 standard edition)
  2. Open this program. Create -> Oracle. Insert server, port, username, password, instance. Then accept licence.
  3. Test connection succeeded
  4. I click "Next". And then I get this error image

I have tried downloading orai18n.jar from

Then added this file location to PATH and also CLASSPATH. Nothing changes.

Attach any related screenshots below.

Attach any relevant logs below.

Find DBPTK Desktop logs at Help -> Logs menu.

2021-11-22 12:24:25,160 [main] INFO  c.d.c.server.ViewerConfiguration - Copying files from classpath prefix=config/, destination=D:\Users\raulk2\.dbvtk\example-config, removePrefix=true, excludePaths=[config/i18n/client, config/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml]
2021-11-22 12:24:25,260 [main] INFO  c.d.c.server.ViewerConfiguration - DBVTK loading completed with success!
2021-11-22 12:24:29,376 [main] INFO  com.databasepreservation.DBVTK - Starting DBVTK v2.5.10 on TS043 with PID 11396 (D:\Users\raulk2\AppData\Local\Programs\dbptk-desktop\resources\app.asar.unpacked\resources\war\dbvtk.war started by raulk2 in D:\Users\raulk2\AppData\Local\Programs\dbptk-desktop\resources\app.asar.unpacked)
2021-11-22 12:24:29,377 [main] INFO  com.databasepreservation.DBVTK - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
2021-11-22 12:24:44,797 [main] INFO  c.d.c.s.i.f.EmbeddedSolrClientFactory - Instantiating SOLR Embedded at D:\Users\raulk2\.dbvtk\index
2021-11-22 12:24:46,486 [main] WARN  o.e.j.u.ssl.SslContextFactory.config - Trusting all certificates configured for Client@3a320ade[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
2021-11-22 12:24:46,486 [main] WARN  o.e.j.u.ssl.SslContextFactory.config - No Client EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for Client@3a320ade[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
2021-11-22 12:24:46,510 [main] WARN  o.e.j.u.ssl.SslContextFactory.config - Trusting all certificates configured for Client@3faf2e7d[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
2021-11-22 12:24:46,511 [main] WARN  o.e.j.u.ssl.SslContextFactory.config - No Client EndPointIdentificationAlgorithm configured for Client@3faf2e7d[provider=null,keyStore=null,trustStore=null]
2021-11-22 12:24:46,539 [main] WARN  org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer - Not all security plugins configured!  authentication=disabled authorization=disabled.  Solr is only as secure as you make it. Consider configuring authentication/authorization before exposing Solr to users internal or external.  See for more info
2021-11-22 12:24:51,420 [main] INFO  c.d.c.s.i.schema.SolrBootstrapUtils - Bootstrapping schemas
2021-11-22 12:24:51,449 [main] INFO  c.d.c.s.i.schema.SolrBootstrapUtils - Collection dbv-databases is up to date
2021-11-22 12:24:51,452 [main] INFO  c.d.c.s.i.schema.SolrBootstrapUtils - Collection dbv-batch-jobs is up to date
2021-11-22 12:24:51,454 [main] INFO  c.d.c.s.i.schema.SolrBootstrapUtils - Collection dbv-searches is up to date
2021-11-22 12:24:51,456 [main] INFO  c.d.c.s.i.schema.SolrBootstrapUtils - Collection dbv-activity-logs is up to date
2021-11-22 12:24:51,470 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - CasSingleSignOutFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:51,472 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - CasApiAuthFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:51,472 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - CasValidationFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:51,473 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - CasRequestWrapperFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:51,478 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - InternalWebAuthFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:51,478 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - CasAuthenticationFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:52,661 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - CasWebAuthFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:52,661 [main] INFO  c.d.common.filter.OnOffFilter - InternalApiAuthFilter is OFF
2021-11-22 12:24:54,950 [main] INFO  com.databasepreservation.DBVTK - Started DBVTK in 29.562 seconds (JVM running for 37.742)
2021-11-22 12:26:45,214 [http-nio-auto-1-exec-8] ERROR c.d.c.c.c.utils.AsyncCallbackUtils - [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] AsyncCallback error - RESTException: Remote exception caused by GenericException: Non supported character set (add orai18n.jar in your classpath): BLT8MSWIN1257
luis100 commented 2 years ago

Currently, there is no easy method to add more jars to the classpath. But, you could try to:

Alternatively, you could use the command-line tool DBPTK Developer, where adding to the Java classpath would be more straighforward.

raulk89 commented 2 years ago

I have downloaded this developer tool also. I get the same error there.

What flag should I use there, the "--help" isn't heplful either..

$ java -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" dbptk-app-2.9.10.jar migrate --help
ERROR Exactly one import module and one export module must be specified.
      Log files and migration reports were saved in /home/raulk2
      Troubleshooting information can be found at
      Please report any problems at

Regards Raul

raulk89 commented 2 years ago

When I modify this dbvtk.war file, then application does not start-up at all.

Usually it takes less than minute to start. I have this for over 10 minutes already. image

Regards Raul

raulk89 commented 2 years ago

I tried with the following command:

$ java -classpath /home/raulk2/lib/orai18n.jar -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" dbptk-app-2.9.10.jar migrate --import oracle --import-server-name=CCCCCCCCCCC --import-instance="ZZZZZZZZ" --import-port-number=1521 --import-username=XXXXXX --import-password="YYYYYYYYY" --import-accept-license --export siard-2 --export-file=example.siard
      Converting database: oracle to siard-2
      Initializing database
      Exporting SIARD version 2.1
ERROR Fatal error while converting the database (Non supported character set (add orai18n.jar in your classpath): BLT8MSWIN1257)

I also tried "-cp" instead of "-classpath". Same issue.


luis100 commented 2 years ago

Checkout this example:

You need to add both the dbtpk-developer jar and additional jars to classpath add call the main class.

Something like:

java "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" -classpath /home/raulk2/lib/orai18n.jar:dbptk-app-2.9.10.jar   com.databasepreservation.Main migrate --import oracle --import-server-name=CCCCCCCCCCC --import-instance="ZZZZZZZZ" --import-port-number=1521 --import-username=XXXXXX --import-password="YYYYYYYYY" --import-accept-license --export siard-2 --export-file=example.siard
raulk89 commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much. It indeed worked.

Is it possible to ignore certain tables with developer version...?

I noticed, it ignores views. Does it have to do that..? Also, I mean, isn't it necessary to obtain view structure ..?

      Ignoring view ....
      Ignoring view .....
      Ignoring view ....

Regards Raul

luis100 commented 2 years ago

Check this out:

luis100 commented 2 years ago

Note that you can generate a config file by using the import-config module as output, and then edit it and use it as an input module