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Automatically/add UI area for "Branding" #428

Open pjrundle opened 2 months ago

pjrundle commented 2 months ago

Have been thinking about what we can add that other website builders do not have.

We already have the startings of "Style Guide".

I'm imagining another page (or the same page reorganised) that generates things like images of billboards, business cards etc based on your theme and logo.

This would be quite a powerful tool for demoing.

Also, as a product, even as a standalone product (a "Brand builder"), I haven't seen this anywhere else. As a design tool this would save tons of time and allow designers to input the broad strokes of a visual identity and deliver it as a shareable webpage to clients.

Note: I envisage style guide being built out such that it had more utility - I.e the page can be shared with non designers etc detailing which fonts to use (annotate heading/all type styles font with the family, button to download font, letter spacing etc). This page could also have download buttons for logos in various formats, users could add guidelines like "Don't use the logo on XYZ background, on it's side, don't distort it etc. Block styles could also be included here.

bhallstein commented 2 months ago

Like it.