keermanish / react-page-maker

A drag-drop featured lib which will help you to build the layout and generate the markup or JSON out of it
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not an issue more of a feature request for UNDO and REDO,tried it , didint work out #7

Open el0911 opened 4 years ago

keermanish commented 4 years ago

this feature will be covered under #8

el0911 commented 4 years ago

well incase u need inspiration i kinda just saved previous states of the canvas into memory and basically created a stack, when i call the undo command i just step back in the array and vice versa for redo, i wanted to use this json patch stuff for it, so i just store differences in the array but, it was messy, so i just stored the array as is, where i had issues with implementing it was updating the canvas when the state was updated, cuz basically my version of the library as been edited alot, speaking of which thats what we have out now, although we are adding changes before we launch beta.

hosnyben commented 4 years ago

I did it using you page maker. Using redux history.