keero / baseball-streaming

Java CLI application for fetching data from WBSC game data (MyBallClub) and render text and image files on disk.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Question/information #2

Open molano999 opened 11 months ago

molano999 commented 11 months ago


Is this project still in development? Would it be possible to post some screenshots on how it looks like?

I think this can be integrated with OBS?

Thanks in advance!

keero commented 11 months ago

Hello! Yes, it is still in development but it is only myself working on it so far so it is a bit spotty to say the least. We are a few clubs in Sweden using it on a regular basis and most changes are bug fixes and minor feature enhancements. It is primarily a command line tool writing files to disk (although a simple undocumented PoC UI wrapper has been implemented in python) so screenshots wouldn't make much sense at this point. The thought of implementing an OBS plugin has crossed my mind but I haven't had time to look into it at all yet. But yes, it would definitely be possible to build such a plugin.

molano999 commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your quick answer! But I am a bit confused..... If the output are just plain text files, what is the use for it now? I mean how do you "consume" those files? I am also wondering what the difference is with e.g. , which seems to do the same think but produces videos and overlays.... Thing is that I was looing for something more advanced to overlay in OBS, but I think I will have to give you more time to get that integration working. ;)

Nice project for sure!

keero commented 11 months ago

The text and image files are referenced from OBS sources created manually. E.g., for text, check the read from file checkbox and point to the file containing the text produced by this app. The main feature of this app is the integration with WBSC MyBallClub live data. I.e., the play-by-play data source of for instance a game like this: The original idea is that the files written to on disk can be consumed by any streaming software (OBS being the obvious one). However, a basic set of overlays with a basic design for OBS would, as I said, definitely be possible to do.