keero / baseball-streaming

Java CLI application for fetching data from WBSC game data (MyBallClub) and render text and image files on disk.
MIT License
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Import JSON in OBS fails #3

Open molano999 opened 11 months ago

molano999 commented 11 months ago


I try to import the locally generated "baseball-streaming-all-overlays.json" file in OBS, but it fails (actually nothing happens).

I do

Am I doing somehting wrong?

molano999 commented 11 months ago

Found it. JSON sees \ as an escape character. I needed to replace every "\" with "\\" . Now it imports fine.

It's amazing.... Still got some questions though. But I will first poke around

molano999 commented 10 months ago

Hello! Not sure if you're here and also not sure how much time and effort you plan to put in this project.

molano999 commented 10 months ago

I went live yesterday with your project. I think I found a small bug....

Mid innings I want to show the next 3 batters up. I use the "current-batter", "on-deck batter", "in-hole batter" to get their names. I noticed that only the on-deck batter name is correct. Both others are still the names of the opposing teams. I think you do not update those (yet) during mid innings. Would it be possible to also grab those when an inning ends?

keero commented 4 months ago

Hello! Sorry for the radio silence. I am only working on this project occasionally and typically some time before the baseball season starts in Sweden (early May). I am aware of this issue which is due to the fact that all data is play-driven. I.e., unless there is a play for which the data is tied to, it isn't updated. This manifests itself in various ways such as new pitcher not being updated, batting order, etc. As soon as the first pitch is registered, the data will be updated. I am planning to look into this during the spring and restructure the way the data can be updated (not necessarily depending on the last play in certain situations).