keflavich / FITS_tools

Simple scipy and python based tools for FITS image manipulation
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Add short description of reprojection routines #2

Closed cdeil closed 10 years ago

cdeil commented 10 years ago

@ellisowen and I need code to reproject Galactic diffuse emission cubes in gammapy. So far we have been using Kapteyn FITSFigure.reproject_to, but there are installation issues with Kapteyn and it hasn't been updated in a long time, so we want to switch to use yours.

Can you add a few sentences to the docs what the difference between regrid_cube and hcongrid and hastron is so that people like us don't have to read the code or try them out to see which one is appropriate for which application?

(we want flux-conserving at the 1% level but don't care too much about what exactly happens to small-scale structures)

cdeil commented 10 years ago

OK, so basically there's only one algorithm available for cubes ... it's just exposed by different wrappers with different input / output.

Thanks for adding these docs! Another thing that could be added is the Returns section for regrid_cube

keflavich commented 10 years ago

Oi, yeah, that's needed. As you said, there's only one in FITS_tools, but the montage-wrapper approach is genuinely different (it's a trivial/naive approach: just run the default montage wrapper on each plane). I thought I had parallelized that once... but I can't find the code so maybe I'm deluding myself.

cdeil commented 10 years ago

:+1: Thanks!