keflavich / macvim-skim

Interlink macvim & skim for an integrated LaTeX DE
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Used `set -x` instead of manually echoing commands #11

Closed tbelaire closed 8 years ago

tbelaire commented 8 years ago

This way, if you change the command, you don't have to change it again in the debug line, and there is no chance of hilarious confusion.

Just to clarify, this will produce more output, as it will echo each command. An example trace:

file: essay.tex
line: 200
debug: 1
++ mvim --serverlist
+ for server in '`mvim --serverlist`'
++ mvim --servername GVIM --remote-expr 'MVS_Focus('\''essay.tex'\'', '\''200'\'')'
+ finished=1
+ [[ 1 > 0 ]]
+ echo Succeeded on servername: GVIM
Succeeded on servername: GVIM
+ break
keflavich commented 8 years ago

Cool, thanks again for all these fixes!