keflavich / pyradex

Python interface to RADEX
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
18 stars 12 forks source link

Installation problem: No rule to make target 'wrapper' #9

Closed ulhiller closed 8 years ago

ulhiller commented 8 years ago

I try to install radex. My system: opensuse 13.2 x86_64 Python 2.7.8 gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.8.3 20140627 GNU Fortran (SUSE Linux) 4.8.3 20140627 numpy 1.10.1 astropy 1.0.6 astroquery 0.3.0

All the necessary prerequisites are installed. When i run python install_radex install_myradex install I get the error No rule to make target 'wrapper' and the installation prosess stops. (full output: see below).

"python install_radex install" runs without errors. After it within python "import pyradex" is accepted witout error.

I what am i missing? How can i debug? To which package belongs wrapper?

Thanks a lot in advance, ulrich

Output of "python install_radex install_myradex install":

/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
running install_radex
updatevars:collision: attempt to change empty charselector to {'*': '10'}. Ignoring.
Downloading RADEX
Download succeeded, or at least didn't obviously fail.
Reading fortran codes...
        Reading file 'slatec.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file 'background.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
        Reading file 'main.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #25 in main.f:"      integer niter   ! iteration counter"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "niter!". Ignoring.
Line #26 in main.f:"      integer imore   ! are we running again?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "imore!". Ignoring.
Line #26 in main.f:"      integer imore   ! are we running again?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "again?". Ignoring.
Line #29 in main.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "conv!". Ignoring.
Line #29 in main.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "are" ("integer") to "logical". Ignoring.
Line #29 in main.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "we" ("integer") to "logical". Ignoring.
Line #29 in main.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "converged?". Ignoring.
        Reading file 'io.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #24 in io.f:"      integer length       ! subroutine to determine"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "length!". Ignoring.
Line #26 in io.f:"      integer ipart        ! loop over collision partners"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ipart!". Ignoring.
Line #27 in io.f:"      character*10 partner ! name of collision partner"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #27 in io.f:"      character*10 partner ! name of collision partner"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "collision" ("integer") to "character". Ignoring.
Line #30 in io.f:"      integer id           ! ID code of collision partner"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "id!". Ignoring.
Line #30 in io.f:"      integer id           ! ID code of collision partner"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "of" ("character") to "integer". Ignoring.
Line #30 in io.f:"      integer id           ! ID code of collision partner"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "partner" ("character") to "integer". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #162 in io.f:"      integer ipart  ! to loop over collision partners"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ipart!". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #201 in io.f:"      integer iline    ! to loop over lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "iline!". Ignoring.
Line #202 in io.f:"      integer m,n      ! upper & lower level of the line"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "n!". Ignoring.
Line #202 in io.f:"      integer m,n      ! upper & lower level of the line"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='&'. Skipping.
Line #204 in io.f:"      integer niter    ! final number of iterations"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "niter!". Ignoring.
Line #208 in io.f:"      real*8 xt        ! frequency cubed"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "xt!". Ignoring.
Line #209 in io.f:"      real*8 hnu       ! photon energy"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "hnu!". Ignoring.
Line #210 in io.f:"      real*8 bnutex    ! line source function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnutex!". Ignoring.
Line #210 in io.f:"      real*8 bnutex    ! line source function"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #211 in io.f:"      real*8 ftau      ! exp(-tau)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ftau!". Ignoring.
Line #212 in io.f:"      real*8 toti      ! background intensity"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "toti!". Ignoring.
Line #213 in io.f:"      real*8 tbl       ! black body temperature"
        updatevars:rmbadname1: Replacing "size" with "size_bn".
rmbadname1: Replacing "for" with "for_bn".
 could not crack entity declaration "tbl!". Ignoring.
Line #214 in io.f:"      real*8 wh        ! Planck correction"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "wh!". Ignoring.
Line #215 in io.f:"      real*8 tback     ! background temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "tback!". Ignoring.
Line #216 in io.f:"      real*8 ta        ! line antenna temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ta!". Ignoring.
Line #216 in io.f:"      real*8 ta        ! line antenna temperature"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #217 in io.f:"      real*8 tr        ! line radiation temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "tr!". Ignoring.
Line #217 in io.f:"      real*8 tr        ! line radiation temperature"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #218 in io.f:"      real*8 beta,escprob ! escape probability"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #220 in io.f:"      real*8 bnu       ! Planck function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnu!". Ignoring.
Line #221 in io.f:"      real*8 kkms      ! line integrated intensity (K km/s)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "kkms!". Ignoring.
Line #221 in io.f:"      real*8 kkms      ! line integrated intensity (K km/s)"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #222 in io.f:"      real*8 ergs      ! line flux (erg / s / cm^2)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ergs!". Ignoring.
Line #222 in io.f:"      real*8 ergs      ! line flux (erg / s / cm^2)"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #227 in io.f:"      real*8 wavel     ! line wavelength (micron)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "wavel!". Ignoring.
Line #227 in io.f:"      real*8 wavel     ! line wavelength (micron)"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
        Reading file 'matrix.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #25 in matrix.f:"      integer niter            ! iteration counter"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "niter!". Ignoring.
Line #26 in matrix.f:"      integer ilev,jlev,klev   ! to loop over energy levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "klev!". Ignoring.
Line #27 in matrix.f:"      integer nplus            ! to solve statistical equilibrium"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nplus!". Ignoring.
Line #28 in matrix.f:"      integer iline            ! to loop over lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "iline!". Ignoring.
Line #29 in matrix.f:"      integer m,n              ! line upper/lower levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "n!". Ignoring.
Line #29 in matrix.f:"      integer m,n              ! line upper/lower levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "upper/lower". Ignoring.
Line #30 in matrix.f:"      integer nthick           ! counts optically thick lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nthick!". Ignoring.
Line #31 in matrix.f:"      integer nfat             ! counts highly optically thick lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nfat!". Ignoring.
Line #32 in matrix.f:"      integer nreduce          ! size of reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nreduce!". Ignoring.
Line #34 in matrix.f:"      integer indx,dsign       ! needed for NumRep equation solver"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "dsign!". Ignoring.
Line #35 in matrix.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "rhs(maxlev)!". Ignoring.
Line #35 in matrix.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "of" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #35 in matrix.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #35 in matrix.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "equation" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #37 in matrix.f:"      real*8 yrate(maxlev,maxlev)  ! rate matrix"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "yrate(maxlev,maxlev)!". Ignoring.
Line #37 in matrix.f:"      real*8 yrate(maxlev,maxlev)  ! rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #37 in matrix.f:"      real*8 yrate(maxlev,maxlev)  ! rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "matrix" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #38 in matrix.f:"      real*8 etr,exr               ! to calculate radiative rates"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "exr!". Ignoring.
Line #38 in matrix.f:"      real*8 etr,exr               ! to calculate radiative rates"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "to" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #39 in matrix.f:"      real*8 xt                    ! frequency cubed"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "xt!". Ignoring.
Line #40 in matrix.f:"      real*8 hnu                   ! photon energy"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "hnu!". Ignoring.
Line #40 in matrix.f:"      real*8 hnu                   ! photon energy"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "energy" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #41 in matrix.f:"      real*8 bnutex                ! line source function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnutex!". Ignoring.
Line #41 in matrix.f:"      real*8 bnutex                ! line source function"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #42 in matrix.f:"      real*8 cddv                  ! N(mol) / delta V"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "cddv!". Ignoring.
Line #42 in matrix.f:"      real*8 cddv                  ! N(mol) / delta V"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "n" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #42 in matrix.f:"      real*8 cddv                  ! N(mol) / delta V"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "n(mol)/delta". Ignoring.
Line #43 in matrix.f:"      real*8 beta,escprob          ! escape probability"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "escprob!". Ignoring.
Line #45 in matrix.f:"      real*8 bnu                   ! Planck function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnu!". Ignoring.
Line #46 in matrix.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "uarray(maxlev,maxlev)!". Ignoring.
Line #46 in matrix.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "reduced" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #46 in matrix.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #46 in matrix.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "matrix" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #47 in matrix.f:"      real*8 redcrit               ! reduction criterion"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "redcrit!". Ignoring.
Line #48 in matrix.f:"      real*8 sumx                  ! summed radiative rate"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "sumx!". Ignoring.
Line #48 in matrix.f:"      real*8 sumx                  ! summed radiative rate"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #49 in matrix.f:"      real*8 total                 ! to normalize populations"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "total!". Ignoring.
Line #49 in matrix.f:"      real*8 total                 ! to normalize populations"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "to" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #51 in matrix.f:"      real*8 tsum,thistex          ! to check convergence"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "thistex!". Ignoring.
Line #51 in matrupdatevars:of: attempt to change empty charselector to {'*': '120'}. Ignoring.
updatevars:collisional: attempt to change empty charselector to {'*': '120'}. Ignoring.
analyzevars: character array "character*20 mestab(10)" is considered as "character mestab(10,20)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*8 libtab(10)" is considered as "character libtab(10,8)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*8 subtab(10)" is considered as "character subtab(10,8)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
Unknown vendor: "gfortran"
running build
running config_cc
unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --compiler options
running config_fc
unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --fcompiler options
running build_src
building extension "radex" sources
f2py options: []
f2py:> /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radexmodule.c
creating /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7
updatevars:collision: attempt to change empty charselector to {'*': '10'}. Ignoring.
Reading fortran codes...
        Reading file '/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #3906 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer niter   ! iteration counter"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "niter!". Ignoring.
Line #3907 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer imore   ! are we running again?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "imore!". Ignoring.
Line #3907 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer imore   ! are we running again?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "again?". Ignoring.
Line #3910 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "conv!". Ignoring.
Line #3910 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "are" ("integer") to "logical". Ignoring.
Line #3910 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "we" ("integer") to "logical". Ignoring.
Line #3910 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      logical conv    ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "converged?". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #3991 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer length       ! subroutine to determine"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "length!". Ignoring.
Line #3993 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer ipart        ! loop over collision partners"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ipart!". Ignoring.
Line #3994 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      character*10 partner ! name of collision partner"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #3994 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      character*10 partner ! name of collision partner"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "collision" ("integer") to "character". Ignoring.
Line #3997 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer id           ! ID code of collision partner"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "id!". Ignoring.
Line #3997 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer id           ! ID code of collision partner"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "of" ("character") to "integer". Ignoring.
Line #3997 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer id           ! ID code of collision partner"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "partner" ("character") to "integer". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #4129 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer ipart  ! to loop over collision partners"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ipart!". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #4168 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer iline    ! to loop over lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "iline!". Ignoring.
Line #4169 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer m,n      ! upper & lower level of the line"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "n!". Ignoring.
Line #4169 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer m,n      ! upper & lower level of the line"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='&'. Skipping.
Line #4171 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer niter    ! final number of iterations"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "niter!". Ignoring.
Line #4175 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 xt        ! frequency cubed"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "xt!". Ignoring.
Line #4176 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 hnu       ! photon energy"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "hnu!". Ignoring.
Line #4177 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 bnutex    ! line source function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnutex!". Ignoring.
Line #4177 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 bnutex    ! line source function"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4178 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 ftau      ! exp(-tau)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ftau!". Ignoring.
Line #4179 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 toti      ! background intensity"
        updatevars: could nrmbadname1: Replacing "size" with "size_bn".
rmbadname1: Replacing "for" with "for_bn".
ot crack entity declaration "toti!". Ignoring.
Line #4180 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 tbl       ! black body temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "tbl!". Ignoring.
Line #4181 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 wh        ! Planck correction"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "wh!". Ignoring.
Line #4182 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 tback     ! background temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "tback!". Ignoring.
Line #4183 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 ta        ! line antenna temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ta!". Ignoring.
Line #4183 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 ta        ! line antenna temperature"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4184 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 tr        ! line radiation temperature"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "tr!". Ignoring.
Line #4184 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 tr        ! line radiation temperature"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4185 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 beta,escprob ! escape probability"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #4187 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 bnu       ! Planck function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnu!". Ignoring.
Line #4188 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 kkms      ! line integrated intensity (K km/s)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "kkms!". Ignoring.
Line #4188 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 kkms      ! line integrated intensity (K km/s)"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4189 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 ergs      ! line flux (erg / s / cm^2)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "ergs!". Ignoring.
Line #4189 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 ergs      ! line flux (erg / s / cm^2)"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4194 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 wavel     ! line wavelength (micron)"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "wavel!". Ignoring.
Line #4194 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 wavel     ! line wavelength (micron)"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #4344 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer niter            ! iteration counter"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "niter!". Ignoring.
Line #4345 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer ilev,jlev,klev   ! to loop over energy levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "klev!". Ignoring.
Line #4346 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer nplus            ! to solve statistical equilibrium"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nplus!". Ignoring.
Line #4347 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer iline            ! to loop over lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "iline!". Ignoring.
Line #4348 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer m,n              ! line upper/lower levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "n!". Ignoring.
Line #4348 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer m,n              ! line upper/lower levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "upper/lower". Ignoring.
Line #4349 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer nthick           ! counts optically thick lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nthick!". Ignoring.
Line #4350 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer nfat             ! counts highly optically thick lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nfat!". Ignoring.
Line #4351 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer nreduce          ! size of reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "nreduce!". Ignoring.
Line #4353 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer indx,dsign       ! needed for NumRep equation solver"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "dsign!". Ignoring.
Line #4354 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "rhs(maxlev)!". Ignoring.
Line #4354 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "of" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4354 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4354 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 rhs(maxlev)           ! RHS of rate equation"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "equation" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4356 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 yrate(maxlev,maxlev)  ! rate matrix"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "yrate(maxlev,maxlev)!". Ignoring.
Line #4356 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 yrate(maxlev,maxlev)  ! rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4356 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 yrate(maxlev,maxlev)  ! rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "matrix" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4357 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 etr,exr               ! to calculate radiative rates"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "exr!". Ignoring.
Line #4357 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 etr,exr               ! to calculate radiative rates"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "to" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4358 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 xt                    ! frequency cubed"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "xt!". Ignoring.
Line #4359 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 hnu                   ! photon energy"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "hnu!". Ignoring.
Line #4359 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 hnu                   ! photon energy"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "energy" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4360 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 bnutex                ! line source function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnutex!". Ignoring.
Line #4360 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 bnutex                ! line source function"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "line" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4361 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 cddv                  ! N(mol) / delta V"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "cddv!". Ignoring.
Line #4361 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 cddv                  ! N(mol) / delta V"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "n" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4361 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 cddv                  ! N(mol) / delta V"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "n(mol)/delta". Ignoring.
Line #4362 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 beta,escprob          ! escape probability"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "escprob!". Ignoring.
Line #4364 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 bnu                   ! Planck function"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "bnu!". Ignoring.
Line #4365 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "uarray(maxlev,maxlev)!". Ignoring.
Line #4365 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "reduced" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4365 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4365 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 uarray(maxlev,maxlev) ! reduced rate matrix"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "matrix" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4366 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 redcrit               ! reduction criterion"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "redcrit!". Ignoring.
Line #4367 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 sumx                  ! summed radiative rate"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "sumx!". Ignoring.
Line #4367 in /tmp/tmpxSupdatevars:of: attempt to change empty charselector to {'*': '120'}. Ignoring.
updatevars:collisional: attempt to change empty charselector to {'*': '120'}. Ignoring.
1H4m.f:"      real*8 sumx                  ! summed radiative rate"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "rate" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4368 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 total                 ! to normalize populations"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "total!". Ignoring.
Line #4368 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 total                 ! to normalize populations"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "to" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4370 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 tsum,thistex          ! to check convergence"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "thistex!". Ignoring.
Line #4370 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 tsum,thistex          ! to check convergence"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "to" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4373 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      logical conv                 ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "conv!". Ignoring.
Line #4373 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      logical conv                 ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "converged?". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #4648 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 taur  !optical radius"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "taur!optical". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #4718 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer ilev,jlev   ! to loop over energy levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "jlev!". Ignoring.
Line #4719 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer iline       ! to loop over lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "iline!". Ignoring.
Line #4720 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer ipart,jpart ! to loop over collision partners"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #4721 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer itemp       ! to loop over collision temperatures"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "itemp!". Ignoring.
Line #4722 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer icoll       ! to loop over collisional transitions"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "icoll!". Ignoring.
Line #4724 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer dummy       ! to skip part of the file"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "dummy!". Ignoring.
Line #4727 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      integer id(maxpart)      ! to identify collision partners"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "id(maxpart)!". Ignoring.
Line #4733 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 temp(maxtemp) ! collision temperatures"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "temp(maxtemp)!". Ignoring.
Line #4733 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 temp(maxtemp) ! collision temperatures"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "collision" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4733 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      real*8 temp(maxtemp) ! collision temperatures"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "temperatures" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #4736 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      character*120 collref ! text about source of collisional data"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #4736 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      character*120 collref ! text about source of collisional data"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "of" ("integer") to "character". Ignoring.
Line #4736 in /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:"      character*120 collref ! text about source of collisional data"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "collisional" ("integer") to "character". Ignoring.
        Block: radex
                        Block: ludcmp
                        Block: lubksb
                        Block: sgeir
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:r1mach
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "i".
                        Block: r1mach
                        Block: sasum
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:scopy
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "n".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:scopy
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incx".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:scopy
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incy".
                        Block: scopy
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:sdsdot
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "n".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1analyzevars: character array "character*20 mestab(10)" is considered as "character mestab(10,20)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*8 libtab(10)" is considered as "character libtab(10,8)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*8 subtab(10)" is considered as "character subtab(10,8)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
analyzevars: character array "character*6 qnum(2999)" is considered as "character qnum(2999,6)"; "intent(c)" is forced.
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incx".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:sdsdot
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incy".
                        Block: sdsdot
                        Block: sgefa
                        Block: isamax
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:saxpy
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "n".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:saxpy
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incx".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:saxpy
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incy".
                        Block: saxpy
                        Block: sscal
                        Block: sgesl
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:sdot
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "n".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:sdot
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incx".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:sdot
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "incy".
                        Block: sdot
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xermsg
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "nerr".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xermsg
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "level".
                        Block: xermsg
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:j4save
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "iwhich".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:j4save
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "ivalue".
                        Block: j4save
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xercnt
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "nerr".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xercnt
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "level".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xercnt
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "kontrl".
                        Block: xercnt
                        Block: xerhlt
                        Block: xerprn
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:i1mach
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "i".
                        Block: i1mach
{'attrspec': ['dimension(5)']}
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xgetua
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "iunita".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xgetua
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "n".
                        Block: xgetua
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xersve
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "kflag".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xersve
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "nerr".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xersve
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "level".
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:xersve
vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "icount".
                        Block: xersve
                        Block: fdump
                        Block: backrad
                        Block: galbr
                        Block: splcoeff
                        Block: splintrp
                        Block: radex
                        Block: getinputs
                        Block: defaults
                        Block: length
                        Block: output
In: :radex:/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:output
        getarrlen:variable "micron" undefined
                        Block: matrix
                        Block: escprob
                        Block: readdata
Post-processing (stage 2)...
Building modules...
        Building module "radex"...
                Constructing wrapper function "ludcmp"...
                Constructing wrapper function "lubksb"...
                Constructing wrapper function "sgeir"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "r1mach"("r1mach")...
                Constructing wrapper function "r1mach"...
                  r1mach = r1mach(i)
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "sasum"("sasum")...
                Constructing wrapper function "sasum"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                  sasum = sasum(n,sx,incx)
                Constructing wrapper function "scopy"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "sdsdot"("sdsdot")...
                Constructing wrapper function "sdsdot"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                  sdsdot = sdsdot(n,sb,sx,incx,sy,incy)
                Constructing wrapper function "sgefa"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "isamax"("isamax")...
                Constructing wrapper function "isamax"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                  isamax = isamax(n,sx,incx)
                Constructing wrapper function "saxpy"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                Constructing wrapper function "sscal"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                Constructing wrapper function "sgesl"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "sdot"("sdot")...
                Constructing wrapper function "sdot"...
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
                  sdot = sdot(n,sx,incx,sy,incy)
                Constructing wrapper function "xermsg"...
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "j4save"("j4save")...
                Constructing wrapper function "j4save"...
                  j4save = j4save(iwhich,ivalue,iset)
                Constructing wrapper function "xercnt"...
                Constructing wrapper function "xerhlt"...
                Constructing wrapper function "xerprn"...
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "i1mach"("i1mach")...
                Constructing wrapper function "i1mach"...
                  i1mach = i1mach(i)
                Constructing wrapper function "xgetua"...
                Constructing wrapper function "xersve"...
                Constructing wrapper function "fdump"...
                Constructing wrapper function "backrad"...
                Constructing wrapper function "galbr"...
                Constructing wrapper function "splcoeff"...
                Constructing wrapper function "splintrp"...
                Constructing wrapper function "getinputs"...
                Constructing wrapper function "defaults"...
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "length"("length")...
                Constructing wrapper function "length"...
                  length = length(str)
                Constructing wrapper function "output"...
                Constructing wrapper function "matrix"...
                Creating wrapper for Fortran function "escprob"("escprob")...
                Constructing wrapper function "escprob"...
                  escprob = escprob(tau)
                Constructing wrapper function "readdata"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "collie"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "impex"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "cphys"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "imolec"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "setup"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "radi"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "rmolec"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "quant"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "dbg"...
                Constructing COMMON block support for "freq"...
        Wrote C/API module "radex" to file "/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radexmodule.c"
        Fortran 77 wrappers are saved to "/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radex-f2pywrappers.f"
  adding '/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.
  adding '/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7' to include_dirs.
copying /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c -> /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7
copying /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.h -> /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7
  adding '/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radex-f2pywrappers.f' to sources.
build_src: building npy-pkg config files
running build_ext
customize UnixCCompiler
customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext
customize Gnu95FCompiler
Found executable /usr/bin/gfortran
customize Gnu95FCompiler using build_ext
building 'radex' extension
compiling C sources
C compiler: gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g -DNDEBUG -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g -DOPENSSL_LOAD_CONF -fPIC

creating /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp
creating /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp/tmpm__gKd
creating /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7
compile options: '-I/usr/local/misc/pyradexnest/pyradex-master/Radex/src -I/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7 -I/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c'
gcc: /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.c
In file included from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarraytypes.h:1781:0,
                 from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h:18,
                 from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h:4,
                 from /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.h:13,
                 from /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.c:2:
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h:15:2: warning: #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it by " "#defining NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION" [-Wcpp]
 #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it by " \
gcc: /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radexmodule.c
In file included from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarraytypes.h:1781:0,
                 from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h:18,
                 from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h:4,
                 from /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.h:13,
                 from /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radexmodule.c:19:
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h:15:2: warning: #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it by " "#defining NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION" [-Wcpp]
 #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it by " \
/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radexmodule.c:180:12: warning: ‘f2py_size’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static int f2py_size(PyArrayObject* var, ...)
compiling Fortran sources
Fortran f77 compiler: /usr/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O2 -march=x86-64 -DMS_WIN64 -mtune=generic -msse2
Fortran f90 compiler: /usr/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O2 -march=x86-64 -DMS_WIN64 -mtune=generic -msse2
Fortran fix compiler: /usr/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O2 -march=x86-64 -DMS_WIN64 -mtune=generic -msse2
compile options: '-I/usr/local/misc/pyradexnest/pyradex-master/Radex/src -I/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7 -I/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c'
gfortran:f77: /tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5319
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5320
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5321
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5323
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5324
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5325
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5326
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5327
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5328
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5330
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5331
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5332
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5333
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5334
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5335
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5336
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5337
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5338
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5339
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5340
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5341
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5342
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5343
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5344
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5345
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5346
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5347
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5349
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5352
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5353
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5358
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5359
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5360
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5361
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5362
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5363
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5364
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5365
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5366
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5367
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5368
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5369
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5372
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5386
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5627
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5649
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5650
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5651
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5653
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5654
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5655
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5679
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5680
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5681
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5682
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5718
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5740
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5741
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5744
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5846
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5847
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5865
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5869
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 5870
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6574
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6575
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6576
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6577
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6578
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6579
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6581
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6582
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6591
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6592
Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 6593

      if (h.eq.0.d0) pause 'Warning: bad xin input in splintrp '        
Warning: Deleted feature: PAUSE statement at (1)

        real*8 xpopold(maxlev)                                          
Warning: Nonconforming tab character at (1)

      IND = -LOG10(MAX(R1MACH(4),DNORM/XNORM))                          
Warning: Possible change of value in conversion from REAL(8) to INTEGER(4) at (1)

 41   write(*,21) 'Minimum and maximum output frequency [GHz] ? '       
Warning: Label 41 at (1) defined but not used

     $     molfile = radat(1:length(radat))//molfile(1:length(molfile)) 
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument 'str' (120/200) at (1)

     $     molfile = radat(1:length(radat))//molfile(1:length(molfile)) 
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument 'str' (120/200) at (1)

      write(13,20) molfile(1:length(molfile))                           
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument 'str' (120/200) at (1)

      write(13,20) outfile(1:length(outfile))                           
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument 'str' (120/200) at (1)

      call ludcmp(uarray,nreduce+1,maxlev,indx,dsign)                   
Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'indx' at (1) (rank-1 and scalar)

      call lubksb(uarray,nreduce+1,maxlev,indx,rhs)                     
Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'indx' at (1) (rank-1 and scalar)

         call ludcmp(yrate,nplus,maxlev,indx,dsign)                     
Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'indx' at (1) (rank-1 and scalar)

         call lubksb(yrate,nplus,maxlev,indx,rhs)                       
Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'indx' at (1) (rank-1 and scalar)

     $      //version(1:length(version))                                
Warning: Character length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument 'str' (20/200) at (1)

      SUBROUTINE lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b)                                  
Warning: Unused dummy argument 'indx' at (1)

      SUBROUTINE ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d)                                  
Warning: Unused dummy argument 'a' at (1)

      SUBROUTINE ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d)                                  
Warning: Unused dummy argument 'd' at (1)

      SUBROUTINE ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d)                                  
Warning: Unused dummy argument 'indx' at (1)

      SUBROUTINE XERHLT (MESSG)                                         
Warning: Unused dummy argument 'messg' at (1)

Warning: Unused dummy argument 'kontrl' at (1)

Warning: Unused dummy argument 'level' at (1)

Warning: Unused dummy argument 'librar' at (1)

Warning: Unused dummy argument 'messg' at (1)

Warning: Unused dummy argument 'nerr' at (1)

Warning: Unused dummy argument 'subrou' at (1)
/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f: In function ‘readdata’:
/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:4847:0: warning: ‘nint’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f: In function ‘matrix’:
/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.f:4618:0: warning: ‘cddv’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
      $         /(fgaus*xt/aeinst(iline))
gfortran:f77: /tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radex-f2pywrappers.f
/usr/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -Wall -g -shared -Wl,-gc-sections -Wl,-s /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radexmodule.o /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.o /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp/tmpxS1H4m.o /tmp/tmpm__gKd/tmp/tmpm__gKd/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/radex-f2pywrappers.o -L/usr/lib64 -lpython2.7 -lgfortran -o ./
Removing build directory /tmp/tmpm__gKd
make: *** No rule to make target 'wrapper'.  Stop.
ix.f:"      real*8 tsum,thistex          ! to check convergence"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "to" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #54 in matrix.f:"      logical conv                 ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "conv!". Ignoring.
Line #54 in matrix.f:"      logical conv                 ! are we converged?"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "converged?". Ignoring.
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #329 in matrix.f:"      real*8 taur  !optical radius"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "taur!optical". Ignoring.
        Reading file 'readdata.f' (format:fix,strict)
        Reading file '' (format:fix)
Line #25 in readdata.f:"      integer ilev,jlev   ! to loop over energy levels"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "jlev!". Ignoring.
Line #26 in readdata.f:"      integer iline       ! to loop over lines"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "iline!". Ignoring.
Line #27 in readdata.f:"      integer ipart,jpart ! to loop over collision partners"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #28 in readdata.f:"      integer itemp       ! to loop over collision temperatures"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "itemp!". Ignoring.
Line #29 in readdata.f:"      integer icoll       ! to loop over collisional transitions"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "icoll!". Ignoring.
Line #31 in readdata.f:"      integer dummy       ! to skip part of the file"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "dummy!". Ignoring.
Line #34 in readdata.f:"      integer id(maxpart)      ! to identify collision partners"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "id(maxpart)!". Ignoring.
Line #40 in readdata.f:"      real*8 temp(maxtemp) ! collision temperatures"
        updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "temp(maxtemp)!". Ignoring.
Line #40 in readdata.f:"      real*8 temp(maxtemp) ! collision temperatures"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "collision" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #40 in readdata.f:"      real*8 temp(maxtemp) ! collision temperatures"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "temperatures" ("integer") to "real". Ignoring.
Line #43 in readdata.f:"      character*120 collref ! text about source of collisional data"
        updatevars: no name pattern found for entity='!'. Skipping.
Line #43 in readdata.f:"      character*120 collref ! text about source of collisional data"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "of" ("integer") to "character". Ignoring.
Line #43 in readdata.f:"      character*120 collref ! text about source of collisional data"
        updatevars: attempt to change the type of "collisional" ("integer") to "character". Ignoring.
        Block: ludcmp
        Block: lubksb
        Block: sgeir
        Block: r1mach
        Block: sasum
        Block: scopy
        Block: sdsdot
        Block: sgefa
        Block: isamax
        Block: saxpy
        Block: sscal
        Block: sgesl
        Block: sdot
        Block: xermsg
        Block: j4save
        Block: xercnt
        Block: xerhlt
        Block: xerprn
        Block: i1mach
        Block: xgetua
        Block: xersve
        Block: fdump
        Block: backrad
        Block: galbr
        Block: splcoeff
        Block: splintrp
        Block: radex
        Block: getinputs
        Block: defaults
        Block: length
        Block: output
In: io.f:output
        getarrlen:variable "micron" undefined
        Block: matrix
        Block: escprob
        Block: readdata
Post-processing (stage 2)...
Saving signatures to file "./radex.pyf"
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
keflavich commented 8 years ago

I have no idea what's causing this, but I get a somewhat similar error on a linux machine:

$ python install_radex
/home/aginsbur/anaconda/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
running install_radex
Downloading RADEX
Download succeeded, or at least didn't obviously fail.
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/scratch/aginsbur/astropy/download/1defa05c60c0df7c847ebc33345310c6'

which appears to be a problem with the download caching mechanism.

Similarly, myradex is not working:

$ python install_myradex
/home/aginsbur/anaconda/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
running install_myradex
make: *** No rule to make target `wrapper'.  Stop.
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

So apparently OS-dependent issues in the setup script are causing problems.

keflavich commented 8 years ago

I've fixed at least one of the bugs, but I think the second issue you're seeing might be related to git submodules. Try doing:

git submodule init
git submodule update

in the pyradex directory, then try again

ulhiller commented 8 years ago

that worked. Thanks a lot for your help.