kegaretail / react-native-rabbitmq

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Not apply argument Queue consume in iOS #18

Open hmunoz opened 5 years ago

hmunoz commented 5 years ago

in iOS argument like this: this.queue = new Queue(this.connection, { name: 'test-' + DeviceInfo.getUniqueID(), passive: false, durable: false, exclusive: false, autoDelete: true, consumer_arguments: { 'x-priority': 1,'ackMode' : false, 'auto_delete': true, 'exclusive': false} }); not apply this configuration, only x-priority with -5456546 example.

hmunoz commented 5 years ago

in iOS argument like this: this.queue = new Queue(this.connection, { name: 'test-' + DeviceInfo.getUniqueID(), passive: false, durable: false, exclusive: false, autoDelete: true, consumer_arguments: { 'x-priority': 1,'ackMode' : false, 'auto_delete': true, 'exclusive': false} }); not apply this configuration, only x-priority with -5456546 example.

This code solves for my case Now if the consumer parameters are present NSDictionary *tmp_arguments = @{}; if ([config objectForKey:@"consumer_arguments"] != nil){ NSDictionary *consumer_arguments = [config objectForKey:@"consumer_arguments"]; tmp_arguments = @{@"x-priority": [[RMQSignedShort alloc] init:1], @"auto_delete": [[RMQBoolean alloc] init:YES], @"ackMode": [[RMQBoolean alloc] init:NO], @"exclusive": [[RMQBoolean alloc] init:NO]}; }