Closed sundowns closed 6 years ago
I apologize, I'm on vacation at the moment, but I should have new binaries up by next week. Thanks for the issue.
I'd also appreciate more instructions on building with CMAKE. What actual path are required?
Edit: Needed sudo apt install libluajit-5.1-2 libluajit-5.1-dev
on 16.04 :)
I added more detailed build instructions. If it's still unclear, feel free to open a new issue.
The most recently released binaries are not compatible with LOVE 11.1. They result in this issue but supposedly this has been fixed in master.
Currently I am unable to build from source and so this is unusable in LOVE 11.1. The last release was in December 2016. Is there any chance of a new release with updated binaries?
Working with windows 64bit for reference, but it's probably nice to have up to date binaries across the board.