Since I have to ensure every external libraries I use is compiled with MSVC because LOVE is compiled with MSVC and I have to ensure (ABI) stability, I can't use the prebuilt binaries which is compiled with MinGW.
There are some modifications that needed to successfully compile it under MSVC
Add LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL compile definitions to the CMake if the toolchain is MSVC.
Add #define LUA_LIB in nuklear_love before #include <lua.h>.
Both steps is required to ensure luaopen_nuklear exported to the DLL. The build instruction, is easy.
rem Say, %LUA_DIR% is the LuaJIT dir, excluding the "src" dir
rem and you've invoked "msvcbuild.bat" under LuaJIT src directory
rem using VS command prompt, then build love-nuklear like this
cmake -Bbuild -H. -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=%LUA_DIR%\src -DLUA_LIBRARY=%LUA_DIR%\src\lua51.lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%CD%\install
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
Then you can found nuklear.dll in install folder ready to be used, compiled with MSVC.
I followed your instructions and ended up with a .dll that crashes on start. Maybe you could make a quick pull request so I can test things the way you have them set up?
Since I have to ensure every external libraries I use is compiled with MSVC because LOVE is compiled with MSVC and I have to ensure (ABI) stability, I can't use the prebuilt binaries which is compiled with MinGW.
There are some modifications that needed to successfully compile it under MSVC
compile definitions to the CMake if the toolchain is MSVC.#define LUA_LIB
in nuklear_love before#include <lua.h>
.Both steps is required to ensure
exported to the DLL. The build instruction, is easy.Then you can found nuklear.dll in
folder ready to be used, compiled with MSVC.