keharriso / love-nuklear

Lightweight immediate mode GUI for LÖVE games
MIT License
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Setting the normal value in the property skin, breaks the skin #6

Closed JanWerder closed 7 years ago

JanWerder commented 7 years ago

So this works:

['property'] = {     
    ['label normal'] = '#241414',
    ['label hover'] = '#241414',
    ['label active'] = '#241414',

and this does not:

['property'] = {     
    ['normal'] = '#241414',   
    ['label normal'] = '#241414',
    ['label hover'] = '#241414',
    ['label active'] = '#241414',

The result is a half broken skin, with some f the default values set and others taken from the skin

keharriso commented 7 years ago

Does this do what you were expecting?

['property'] = {
    ['normal'] = '#241414',
    ['label normal'] = '#241414',
    ['label hover'] = '#241414',
    ['label active'] = '#241414',
    ['edit'] = {
        ['normal'] = '#241414'
    ['inc button'] = {
        ['normal'] = '#241414'
    ['dec button'] = {
        ['normal'] = '#241414'
JanWerder commented 7 years ago

Well this doesn't work either. it seems okay, if I don't set the normal value

keharriso commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure what you're seeing or expecting. Could you upload some screenshots of the problem - one with normal and one without? A .love file would be useful, too.

JanWerder commented 7 years ago

Without: love_2016-12-15_17-04-45

With: love_2016-12-15_17-04-29

My Löve fileas a zip if you want to try it yourself.

keharriso commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the catch, I believe the issue should be solved with the latest commit. Here are some tentative binaries for you to test. Let me know whether or not they fix the problem.

JanWerder commented 7 years ago

That fixes it 👍