keiffster / program-y

Python 3.x based AIML 2.0 Chatbot interpreter, framework, related programs and knowledge files
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Is Program-Y becoming too large #221

Closed keiffster closed 5 years ago

keiffster commented 5 years ago

Program-y has grown, boy has it grown over the years. The introduction of TextBlob added a lot of features around sentiment and intent processing but came with a lot of additional steps to install.

As each client is added, it very often comes with its own libraries that not everyone wants. We now support over 15 clients, including Amazon, Google, Facebook, Telegram, Slack etc etc

I have been troubled by this for a while and over the weekend started looking at how to split up Program-y creating an eco system rather than a framework

The first part is to split program-y into core system and addons. The core elements would create the foundation of all addons and any developments anyone else would like to do. Ive already done this with extensions for Teleco, Banking, etc, so there is a model to support this

Addons would then be various categories, the biggest being clients. I would create a seperate git repo for each client, with only the neccassary libraries for that client in the requirements.txt file, ( along with programy obviously ). Programy would then only ship with console and webchat clients

You could then install program-y, install addons such as TextBlob, and then pick the clients you would like

A lot to do, and likely to be V4.0 onwards and from the end of the year into 2020

Love to hear your thoughts ?

ohoachuck commented 5 years ago

I think it’s a very good idea. O.

Dagimtsegaye commented 5 years ago

how can i use AIML 2.0 for python? pleas help. tnx

keiffster commented 5 years ago

Have you read the wiki ?

keiffster commented 5 years ago

Plans in place to restructure code based post 3.10 release